Episode Twenty 'Goodbye Gravity Falls.'

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Ford and Shermy rushed at EyeGnome. Magical energy flowed through EyeGnome and he fired lightning at them from his hands.

Shermy and Ford dove to either side and waited for the attack to stop, then they ran at him again.

"You can't stop me Dark One!" EyeGnome cackled, he took off into the sky.

Shermy nocked an arrow and began firing them at EyeGnome. EyeGnome dodged the attacks and picked both Pines up with an invisible force, throwing them away from the orb.

Ford groaned as he tumbled to the ground. "I really need to retire," He said as he struggled to his feet.

Theme Song


Dipper and Mabel ran through the woods towards the massive beacon, as they ran they began to notice fewer and fewer strange creatures in the area.

"This is weird," Mabel said.

Dipper shivered. "Yeah, everything just feels off around here."

The twins kept trekking on though, they had been through worse.

Stan, Soos, Wendy, Rick, and Fiddleford tried to get through the chaos as best as they could.

"I hope those kids are alright. They better be." Stan said.

Soos's face was red from all the running. "Don't worry, Mr. Pines. If anyone can get through all this, it's those two." Soos assured him.

Stan bit his lip. "I sure hope so. I know Ford can take care of himself, he's lived through way more than I have, but those kids?" Stan trailed off.

Wendy looked Stan in the eyes as they stopped so everyone could take a breather. "Mr. Pines, they'll be fine. There are plenty of times when I thought I was toast and those two figured out a way through it."

Rick fired at a flying snake approaching them. "I don't see why you're so worried. Just clone them like I do with Morty whenever I get him killed."

"I used to never see my son, but we're finally family again!" McGucket volunteered. "It's been real great and I could probably make a robot of him but I don't even want to."

Rick rolled his eyes. "Typical Earth people. All you care about are your stupid families. Let's get moving." Without another word, the group set out towards the massive pillar of light.

Ford and Shermy regrouped and tried to keep track of EyeGnome, who was pelting them with attacks from all directions as he laughed maniacally.

"How are we supposed to even hit him?" Ford wondered.

Shermy gritted his teeth and fired an arrow, groaning as it hit a wall. "I don't know. But we can't keep this up for much longer!"

Ford and Shermy looked up to see a bolt of lightning flying at them, they jumped out of the way and rolled to their feet.

Ford eyed the orb. "Shermy, make a break for the orb. I'll cover you the best I can." Ford told him, taking out his plasma gun.

Shermy nodded and ran for the pedestal holding the orb. EyeGnome began to charge a massive laser from his eye, Ford looked up to see where EyeGnome was positioned and aimed a shot right at the fusion.

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