Episode Ten 'Ford and Dipper. And Rick and Morty.'

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Rick was preparing the portal gun when Morty finally decided to ask. "Rick where are we going first?"

"Well, Morty since you have to know we're doing a crossover. But Ford set up some kind of shield so I can't directly get into his dimension, so we have to hop a couple dimensions. Anyways Morty just calm the f*** down. Oh right censoring..."

"Rick nothing you just said made any sense," Morty told him.

"Morty shut the f*** up and enjoy this moment! We're doing a crossover! It's even canon! On Adult Swim only but Disney won't let me say f***! Let's just get through the AUs and leave!" Rick fired the portal gun and jumped through.

"God damn it." Morty sighed and he jumped through as well.

Theme Song.


Ford had called for a family meeting in the basement so Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos all waited for him to begin telling them what he needed to say.

Ford wheeled a cart out, the cart had something hidden under a cloth. Ford pulled the cloth away to reveal a gun with a small glass dome that was glowing green."Everyone I'd like to reveal my newest invention! The Portal Gun! It takes the power of the portal but removes the instability! It's also really convenient."

"Gruncle Ford why would you ever make a Portal Gun?" Dipper asked.

"I'm glad you asked Dipper. See now that Bill is finally gone for good I figured I might as well give you all a tour of some of the better parts of my journeys through the multiverse." Ford replied.

"We're going on an adventure through multiverses?" Mabel asked giddily.

"Dude that sounds awesome! Let's go to one where chairs are people!" Soos said.

Stan grunted. "I don't like the sound of this."

"There's a dimension where gambling is their primary focus and their currency is gold."

"I'm sold!"

"Well then everyone, let's go on an interdimensional field trip!" Ford said, he fired the gun creating a green portal and they all walked through. Just as the portal closed another opened and Rick and Morty walked out.

"God damn it we missed them, Morty! I knew we shouldn't have spent so much time in the Adult Mabel Clone AU!" Rick shouted in frustration.

Morty was shacking and looked scarred for life. "S-s-so much b-badness."

"Yes we get it, Morty, Pinecest is disgusting now come on we need to find them!" Rick shot another portal below them and they fell in.

Ford and the others found themselves in a dimension where cats actually rained from the sky.

"Shoot I wanted to avoid this one!" Ford sighed as everyone hid under cover.

"I mean I like cats as much as anyone but falling from the sky, no thank you!" Mabel stated.

"Let's get to the gambling dimension!" Stan insisted.

"In time Stanley."

Dipper shouted and shooed a cat away. "Really let's leave." Ford nodded and opened up a new portal which the group went into.

They continued their interdimensional tour, coming across a dimension where chairs were the dominant species.

Ford hastily pushed everyone into the next portal, claiming he didn't want to fight that couch again.

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