Episode Fifteen 'Pines and Roses.'

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The Pines family and Mystery Shack employees were hard at work cleaning up the mess that Dean had left behind the day prior.

"...And then that weirdo from the cave came in and turned him into some orb." Wendy told Ford.

Soos looked up from the golf cart engine, which he was trying to repair. "And then he just ran off."

Ford used his portal gun to warp the strange platform out of the dimension. "That's concerning. What could they want with a Cipher? There's so much about their plan that I just don't understand." Ford sighed.

"According to Blendin..." Archer started before picking up a small plant and dumping it in the field where a pine tree once stood. "They've been messing around with time travel lately. Time Police are really mad about the whole thing."

Dipper and Mabel were working on replanting trees. "How'd they even get a time-traveling zombie?" Dipper asked.

Archer shrugged. "Beats me. He isn't using a time-traveling device to do it."

The group's conversation was interrupted by a large set of caravans pulling up the road. The caravans advertised a traveling attraction by Rose Co.

Stan saw the vehicles pulling up and his face turned to shock. "We have to skip town! Now!"

Ford raised an eyebrow. "What did you do this time, Stanley?"

Stan lifted up a rock and grabbed a briefcase from under it. "No time to explain! Hide in the woods and change your names!"

The caravans came to a stop outside of the mystery shack and a tall Latino man stepped out of the drivers' seat. The man had dark hair that was graying and he appeared to be the same age as Stan.

He looked around until he saw Stan and grinned. "Stanley Pines. Been a while, hasn't it?"

Theme Song



Stan slowly turned around and grinned. "Well if isn't Antonio Rose!" He walked up to the man and they shook hands.

"Gruncle Stan, who is this?" Mabel asked as she and Dipper ran up to them.

Antonio frowned. "Well, Stanley I didn't expect you to have a... great niece and nephew. But you never even told them about me?"

Stan looked off to the side and held his hands up. "They're just kids, and we did some stuff I wouldn't want to tell them about."

"Fair enough." Antonio chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dipper asked.

Ford approached the group. "Stanley, who's your friend?"

"This is Antonio Rose, the man who taught me everything about how to run a con!" Stan said.

"Woah!" Soos awed. "So is this whole thing a traveling Mystery Shack?"

Antonio pulled out a remote control and pressed a few buttons. The caravans began to open revealing a series of obviously fake attractions and merchandise. "It's my pride and joy! Every time people get wise to my scams I can run off before they can do anything!"

"I used to help him work on this whole thing a few decades ago," Stan said. "We went all over the country back in the day."

Ford crossed his arms. "Of course this is what you did for years of your life."

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