Episode Twelve 'Afforded Glory.'

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Dipper and Mabel were sitting in the kitchen waiting for Ford to make them breakfast as he had promised. Ford hastily put out a fire on the stove before the twins could see it and he went back to making his pancakes.

"Don't worry kids! The flapjacks will be ready soon!" Ford assured them.

Soos walked into the kitchen and yawned. "Morning guys." He walked over to the counter and began making himself coffee.

"Heya Soos, why do you look so tired?" Mabel asked.

Soos shrugged. "I think there was a raccoon or something outside my window. It kept Melanie and I up all night pounding on the glass."

"That's odd," Ford said, glancing away from his burning pancakes. "I heard some sort of frantic shouting last night. I wonder what got the animal in such a fit."

Before everyone could start to theorize they heard a frantic pounding on the kitchen door. Mabel opened the door slowly and found Gideon standing in the doorframe with a blue book in his hand. He looked like he hadn't slept at all.

"Gideon? What are you doing here again? And what's that book?" Dipper asked.

Theme Song


Gideon, Dipper, and Mabel were now seated at the couch in the living room while Soos tried to salvage Ford's breakfast. Ford was pacing back and forth in front of the couch.

"So you're saying is just flew into your room? How is that even possible? I lost this journal in another dimension!" Ford exclaimed, turning the book over in his hands. It had a black 4 written on the front with the classic golden six-fingered hand. Though this book hard a dark blue binding instead of the red the previous three journals had.

Dipper raised his eyebrows. "Great uncle Ford I didn't know that you made more journals."

Ford sighed and nodded. "Well, back when I was journeying through the multiverse I felt obligated to chronicle whatever I discovered. This is one of the journals I filled during my time. I lost them all during one of my confrontations with Bill."

Gideon nervously kicked his legs. "I'm sorry I can't tell you anything else about where I found it, Mr. Pines. It really did spook me though, after what that demon did to me I don't want anything to do with this sort of thing. If it's alright with you all I'd like to just go home now."

Ford gestured to the doorway and nodded. "Go ahead. Thank you for bringing this to me. I have much to uncover now..." Gideon got up and left the Mystery Shack. At the same time, Archer walked into the living room.

"What's all the hubbub?" Archer asked. Ford quickly explained the events that had just transpired and Archer put his hands behind his head. "Dang. I'd love to help you Ford but I have to run."

Mabel jumped up. "Archer, where exactly do you have to be?"

Archer looked away and cleared his throat. "Uhm just reconnaissance. Y'know searching for those Freaksions and the like." Archer hurriedly left the room. 

Mabel huffed and sat back down. "He's definitely up to something. And I'm going to find out what!"

"I wonder what he's hiding. Maybe he has like-a bat cave!" Dipper theorized. "Oh, or he's talking to aliens or something!" 

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