Episode Thirteen 'Unlucky Day.'

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The sun was high in the air and Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy were lounging around in the gift shop. Business was slow that morning and the group had exhausted their normal boredom quenching activities.

Ford pushed the front door open with Old Man McGucket following behind him. They were holding various boxes of electronics and devices and went into the basement.

"What's up with them?" Wendy asked.

Dipper shrugged. "I don't know. Great uncle Ford and uncle Archer have been spending all their time in the basement lately but they won't tell me why."

Mabel's face perked up. "This looks like the perfect time for some mystery-solving by the mystery twins!"

Soos pulled a magnifying glass from his pocket. "Alright! Time for a classic mystery hunting adventure, just like the old days!"

Wendy kicked back. "If it means not hanging around here and rotting away, I'm down."

Stan cleared his throat and the group turned to see him standing in the doorway, glaring at them. "Leave Ford and all of his weird nerd friends alone. If they don't want you involved then you're not to get involved." Stan growled.

Dipper was about to protest when they heard a loud boom from outside. The group ran out the door and saw a giant purple mushroom cloud rising from the town.

Theme Song


Everyone arrived in town to find the townspeople in disarray.

There was an abnormal amount of raccoons running around and multiple eagles were swooping down and harassing the residents.

Candy and Greta were screaming as one large eagled chased the two of them. Mable narrowed her eyes on the bird and ran between it and her friends. "Get out of here bird brain! Or I'll make you regret it!" She threatened, and the bird flew off.

"What in the name of Antonio Rose is going on here?" Stan asked, looking around at the unfolding chaos.

Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland were ringing a bell outside the town hall and trying to coral residents into the building. "Town meeting! Town meeting!"

The Mystery Shack employees made their way into the building to find the majority of Gravity Falls in the large town hall.

Mayor Tyler was at the podium trying to get everyone's order while people buzzed about what was happening.

"Everybody listen up!" Manly Dan shouted.

Tyler cleared his throat. "So everybody. Recently there have been a few issues like people turning into raccoons and giant eagles attacking everybody. Don't worry, it's probably just a cold. It'll go away soon."

Everyone nodded and rumbled with agreement. Robbie stood up and threw his hands into the air. "Are you kidding me? It's OBVIOUSLY witches!"

People began to gasp and whisper. "Like think about it! After the never mind all that we're probably cursed!" Robbie insisted.

Stan began to laugh. "Witches? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!" People glared at him and he shrugged. "What? I know this town in and out! You guys have probably just been putting some unicorn pee in the water!"

"That's just ridiculous!" One townsperson said. "There ain't no such thing as unicorns! It has to be witches!"

Tyler didn't seem remotely concerned by the disorder. "Well, maybe it is witchcraft. What do we do if it is?"

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