Episode Nine 'Do you wanna be a Billionaire?'

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Dipper found himself in the strangest dream. Bill Cipher seemed to be directing a musical.

"Bill? Yeah, this is something he'd do."

"Cut! No Dipper you're not supposed to say that line until the third scene!" Bill shouted Dipper noticed that he was on stage with Mabel.

"How can I be on stage? I'm right here." Dipper asked himself, looking down to ensure he was in fact where he thought he was.

"I'm sorry Bill but I forgot my line." Fake Dipper replied to Bill.

Bill face-palmed. "How am I supposed to get this play ready for Rick if you won't even do the simple things I ask of you!"

"Rick? Who the heck is he?" Dipper wondered.

"I-I'm really sorry Mr. Bill. I promise I'll get the line down." Fake Dipper apologized.

"No! You know what I'm sick of you! You're fired!" Then Fake Dipper burst into flames. Bill looked down at his wrist. "Oh darn it I'm late for my big show. Alright everyone go home we're done for today!" Then Bill vanished and Dipper shot awake, only to find himself no longer in the Mystery Shack.

Theme Song.


Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Ford, and Stan all stood in some kind of red nightmare world. Before them was a bunch of strange things and a series of squares that led to a platform across the world.

"Where the heck are we?" Stan demanded.

"You're in my board game! Welcome one and all to "Do you want to be a BILLionaire!" Bill shouted, appearing in front of them.

"Bill, last I recall you were trapped inside of a stone," Ford said.

Bill chuckled. "While that may be true I made a deal with the Axolotl. He said I could terrorize you all and do my thing on one condition, I have to give you all a chance to escape. So we'll be playing a board game!"

"So Pines family-"

"And Soos!" Stan interrupted.

"Wait I thought the question mark was with you guys? You mean he's not a cousin or something? He seems to be wherever you guys are."

"Hey, Soos is family!" Mabel protested. "Right Gruncle Stan?"

"No way! Soos is not family! He just keeps tagging along because you kids don't understand boundaries!" Stan snapped, Soos looked down.

"And I thought I was evil," Bill stated. "Well, the rules are simple. Roll the die, land on a space, make it to the finish and you win. I have plenty of surprises, however. And no cheating!" One die for each of them appeared at their feet. Ford picked his up and threw it.

"Well here goes nothing." And with that, the game began.

On Stan's turn, he landed a five and walked onto a space with a fist on it. "What does this me-" Stan got cut off as a boxing glove punched him in the stomach, then he fell to his knees.

"Uh oh! Stan's been hit with a Bill Space! Those are what you want to avoid, they really hurt! That one is very tame for what's to come later on!"

Soos ran over and helped Stan up. "Gah Soos don't touch me!" He shouted and Soos sulked away.

"OK, Mr. Pines..."

"Woohoo! I'm in the lead!" Mabel cheered. "You're all going down!"

"How can she be thinking about winning in a game made by Bill?" Dipper asked himself and Ford shrugged.

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