Episode Three 'Close Encounters With the Not So Kind.'

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Dipper and Mabel were sitting at the table, having a syrup race when Soos ran into the room.

"Dudes! Dudes! You gotta see the news!" Soos told them, pointing to the living room. Soos ran into the room, Dipper and Mabel following suit.

"This is Chandra Hernandez at the scene of what looks like an alien UFO crash. Here we have a witness of the scene." Chandra said from the TV, turning the mic towards Old Man McGuckett. "What were you doing when you saw the UFO?"

"Well I was doing some work on my new invention, a high intelligence robot thingymajigy! When I saw this blue thing crash into the ground! It was hootin and hollarin like my raccoon wife when she hears a car horn!" McGuckett replied.

"As you can see here, the police force is currently trying to make contact with the UFO." Chandra said, and the camera turned to Deputy Derley and Officer Blubs approaching what looked like a giant bar of blue soap.

The officer and deputy were shaking in their boots as they knocked on the side of the ship.

Suddenly the door opened with a start, and a floating little light blue slug like creature with kelp like arms floated out of the ship.

"That thing is hideous! This is Chandra Hernandez, throwing up!" Chandra made a gagging sound and stepped out of the camera's frame.



"Great uncle Ford! Great uncle Ford!" Dipper shouted excitedly, standing up with a start. Stan and Ford raced into the room at his call.

"What is it Dipper?" Ford asked.

"Aliens!" Was all Dipper could manage, and probably all he would've been able to say since Ford immediately turned to the TV, which was now focused in on the alien.

"Incredible! Finally there's an extraterrestrial that could answer some of Gravity Fall's greatest mysteries! I must get down there at once!" Ford concluded and he hurried out of the living room, Dipper was about to follow when Stan stopped him.

"Hold on kid, there is no way I'm letting you get involved in all this weirdness again. Not after Bill, the giant ogre, and the evil skeleton!" Stan told him, and Soos tilted his head.

"Evil skeleton? Nobody told me about that one." Soos commented.

"Oh so this giant evil guy captured me and erased everyone's memories of me and then Dipper came in and we were all KAPOW! KABLAMO! And he was all like PHWUSH!" Mabel explained.

"See kid, look how easily your sister explained a traumatic experience. This weirdness is really having an effect on you two. Can't you just be normal kids and enjoy a normal summer?" Stan asked.

"Mabel is never bothered by any insane things." Dipper pointed out.

"I haven't had nightmares of Weirdmageden in months!" Mabel added.

"Plus do you really think that we can live normal lives in a town where ogres and giant skeletons are daily occurrences?" Dipper asked.

"Don't forget video games coming to life and evil triangles trying to take over the world." Soos commented.

"And also ghosts and mermen and vampires!" Mabel continued.

"Vampires?" Stan questioned.

"You people don't know everything about me." Mabel reminded them.

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