Episode Seventeen 'Space Race Against the Clock'

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Mabel and Dipper were fast asleep in their beds. Mabel hugged Waddles close to her while Dipper was asleep with a book over his face.

Ford crept into the room and shook Mabel awake, putting a finger to his lips. "Mabel, come with me."

Mabel and Ford crept out of the room with Waddles following close behind.

Mabel yawned as they started walking downstairs. "Great uncle Ford, what's going on?"

"Well, I need your help with something Mabel. And I don't exactly know what it is myself.

Ford pushed the front door open and Mabel looked up to see a massive flying saucer in the sky over the Mystery Shack.

Theme Song


Dipper woke up early in the morning and wandered downstairs. "Alright, it's finally time to start figuring out what the leprechauns are hiding," Dipper said to himself as he poured some cereal.

Soos walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bagel. "Morning Dipper, hey do you know why there's a giant circle in the sky?"

Dipper put the box down and looked at him. "What are you talking about?"

"When I was getting the mail I saw some giant metal disc in the air. It was pretty freaky." Soos explained.

Dipper looked up out the window and his eyes widened. "OH MY GOSH! ALIENS! I have to find great uncle Ford right now!" Dipper turned to run off but Soos stopped him.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Dipper," Soos said.

"Soos, what are you doing?" Dipper asked.

Soos sighed. "Mr. Pines asked me to make sure you don't do dangerous stuff anymore, and I can't let Mr. Pines down. Let's just relax, I'm sure it'll all work out fine."

Dipper crossed his arms. "There is no way I'm doing that. What if great uncle Ford needs me?"

Soos waved it away. "I'm sure he'll be fine Dipper. You need to take all this edge off. And I know just the thing." Soos grabbed Dipper by the arm and dragged him off while Dipper tried to run to the UFO and complained the whole way.

Mabel and Ford's eyes opened and they found themselves inside a space ship, with aliens mulling about and operating various computer devices. All the aliens were the same as the one that had visited Gravity Falls towards the beginning of the summer.

"AH! How did we get here?" Mabel hid behind Ford and looked around.

Ford chuckled. "Don't worry Mabel. They asked me to come to get you and bring you up here, they need us for something important but I'm sure we'll be fine."

One of the aliens drifted over to them. "Hello earthlings, it is I, HSGUGE. I have returned to deliver some important news." The alien spoke, his voice sounded like he was choking on something while trying to speak.

"Ah HSGUGE, good to see you again," Ford said with a smile while Mabel averted her eyes.

HSGUGE ignored Mabel and continued the conversation. "We have successfully pacified the Shapeshifter beast and our Supreme Leaders would like to thank you for assisting us in this quest. We have been monitoring your planet and picking up very abnormal readings in this area, even compared to its usual standards."

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