Chapter 54

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We were soon to find out how the media works, every dirty aspect of it, the hard way.

The next day was my first day back at work after my suspension and already was I bombarded with questions about my boyfriend who turned out to be James Holloway's illegitimate son. Those who spoke to Keane when he dropped by the hospital to bring be food and pick me up while I was working at the Holloway mansion were very eager to spread the word about their encounter with my boyfriend.

I blushed to the roots of my hair at their teasing and kinky questions and innuendos as they wanted to know as much as they could. However, I replied with the same zipping motion over my mouth to show them how very sealed my lips were about my lover.

Levi and Keane were once again on the covers of several magazines. They were among those who were named most eligible bachelors of the city. More and more stories surfaced about them, starting from old friends, classmates, to people they only even made eye contact with but insisted that they knew either of them. I came to realize how intense the thirst for attention and sensations mongering was in some people, and it was a very unattractive trait.

When asked how it was to date one of the most eligible bachelors, I kept my mouth shut as I didn't want to appear boastful or anything of sorts. I found myself in such a strange position, being the center of attention because of Keane, and I wasn't sure how to deal with it or what to think about it.

There was another thing that came to my realization, namely, the look of envy in some people's eyes that I had never seen before had suddenly been visible in more faces than I expected. To me, there was definitely two kinds of envy, the good envy was the one that was still happy for you despite it all, and the bad one that wished you didn't have whatever it was they envied you for.

I called Keane during my break to tell him about the craziness about him and Levi in the media and he couldn't say anything as he himself admitted that he didn't know how to deal with all of it yet. Keane had been summoned by his father. They would be talking about a position for him, as both of them agreed that it was time to get back on the saddle and leave the life of hiding he had been living during the last several months behind.

It was a rare thing for me to be relieved that work was over but that day was exhausting to me to say the least and I was more than glad when I could finally leave the hospital. I chalked it up to all the stress of being the center of attention for too long during my whole shift.

I picked up some take out Chinese food on my way home as I couldn't bring myself to stand behind the stove to cook anything that day. Keane and I would probably arrive at the same time at my apartment as he told me that he was on his way too when I called him.

I was busy with placing the food on the table when I heard the key turn in my front door. It was an unfamiliar sound to me, hearing someone enter my place, and now Keane would be doing it too because I gave him my spare key just the previous night after we got back from our short getaway. I wanted him to have access to my place too, and I was very excited at the thought of him being able to come and go, as if we were already sharing a single place. Now, it was more like sharing two places, but still, I loved the whole setup.

We talked about my day at work and his with his father. He winked at me playfully when I mentioned how much my colleagues gushed about him.

"What did you tell them when they asked how it was to date a hunk like me?" He grinned.

I had to suppress a chuckle at his smirk. "Nothing," I replied before having another bite of the Chinese food I had in front of me.

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