Chapter 73

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What the hell is going on? Is this a dream?

I must be dreaming.

Someone please wake me up from this nightmare.

However, my prayer wasn't answered, instead all hell broke loose. Keane grabbed Vic from the bed and held him at his neck against the wall. Vic who was rudely awakened by Keane was still dazed as he stared into Keane's eyes. Upon recognition a grin appeared on Vic's face. That angered Keane even more which made him punch Vic in the face. Vic didn't just let himself get hit in the face, of course, so an intense brawl started in my bedroom and continued into the living room.

Keane's presence and the ensuing chaos stupefied me at first, but once my brain began to work properly again I realized that I had been screaming. I got off the bed and followed them into the living room. 

"Stop it! Please!" I screeched over and over again, but neither of them heard me. I saw blood on both of them. I didn't know what else to do than to try to get in between them to stop them from killing each other. 

I approached them and tried to grab Keane's arm, but instead of me hindering another punch landing on Vic's face, I get shoved brutally against the doorframe. With a loud thump at the back of my head and my back I fall onto the ground. My head began to spin before I slowly blacked out. 

During the last moments before everything turned dark I saw Levi grabbing Keane's whole body off of Vic who was lying on the floor too, unmoving. 


I heard voices but didn't know whose they were.

Who are they and why are they so loud?

I'm still tired, why can't they go talk somewhere else?

Wait a second I recognize the voices. 

My parents. What? Why? What's going on? What are they doing in my apartment? How did they get in?

I decided to wake up and open my eyes to confront them, and once I did I was almost blinded by the brightness. And the light hurt my head. It began throbbing immediately. When I started to sit up by pushing myself up with my elbows, I felt an intense pain at the back of my head and my back. My head felt heavy and dizzy, so I had to lean my head back against the headboard. 

I realized that I wasn't in my apartment at all and that the voices were indeed my parents' who were talking to someone. It didn't even take a second for me to recognize the place I was at. A hospital. And the person my parents were speaking to was a doctor who in that moment looked in my direction and saw that I was awake. All three of them came to my bed. 

It was the doctor who spoke first, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel okay. But I am in pain."

"Where exactly?"

I explained to him where it hurt and he reassured me that I was okay and that the pain will soon go away. I declined the pain medication at first because I didn't want to fall back asleep so soon. Not before I figured out what had happened.

"You had a minor concussion and have a bruised back. But there is no swelling on the brain and no broken bones. You fell unconscious after hurting your head. What's the last thing you remember?" the doctor smiled at me encouragingly and my parents who looked visibly worried, but who had been waiting patiently this whole time wore the same expression.

"I'm not sure," I tried to recall what could possibly have happened that resulted in me ending up on a hospital bed. 

Then all the memories started flooding back into my consciousness. Vic. Bar. Keane. Fight. Levi.

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