Chapter 67

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I was flabbergasted at Megan's words that told me that Keane was photographed going into Amanda's home last night.

Was that the reason why he didn't come home and still had the same clothes when I saw him earlier?

"Hello? Hello? Are you still there?" Megan's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm still here, but let's talk later okay? I need to take a look at those pictures. Don't worry about it. I'll explain later okay?"

She wasn't at all convinced that everything was fine between Keane and me, but I didn't leave her a choice in the matter. She would just have to wait until I was ready to tell her everything.

Tell her what? I had nothing to say to her now anyway.

I, myself, didn't know what was going on. Since last night I didn't even know Keane and Amanda were in touch with each other. And then seeing her there and hearing her talk about fighting for love in the comfort room just added to the doubts I had about my recently turned fragile relationship with Keane.

My head was aching, my chest tightening, my heart was having trouble with doing what it was supposed to be doing. I put my hand over my chest and massaged the spot as if I could knead the pain I felt at that moment away. I walked slowly into my leaving room, carefully taking deep breaths to calm myself and my heart down.

After taking a seat on my couch I searched the internet and immediately found what Megan told me about. I gulped the lump in my throat that suddenly was there and was hindering the basic functionality of my body. My mouth was dry which made the gulping even more painful.

There they were, the pictures that proved that Keane was indeed with Amanda. I knew that. I saw them leave together last night. They were both photographed in Keane's car leaving the hotel where the masquerade ball was held. I scrolled down to look at more pictures.

There were indeed photos of them both entering a private dwelling. The description under the pictures stated that Keane entered Amanda's home. How did the writer of the article know it was indeed Amanda's place they were entering? He even seemed to look around as if trying to make sure that no one was watching him. As if he knew he was doing something he shouldn't be doing. They had to be sure about it being her place or else they would not have written and printed it.

What the hell?

I felt a stinging sensation in my chest.

As I scrolled through the pictures of Keane and Amanda from last night, my heart began to sink and my mood that was initially great after the talk with Vic worsened tremendously. My eyes turned glassy. There were tears forming in my eyes, about to well up and were in danger of overflowing as drops of betrayal.

Did he meet up with her at the party because he knew I couldn't attend? Have they been in contact for a long time? Why didn't he tell me?

I was about to burst into a full blown tearful melt-down when I received a text message from Megan that said that she was waiting for an explanation about Keane and Amanda, and that the explanation had better be a good one, or else.

It was a great feeling knowing that Megan would always be there for me and would always be on my side. I pulled myself together, sat up straighter on the couch and wiped the dampness away from my eyes on my sleeves.

She was right of course, I should be waiting for an explanation from Keane. I shouldn't assume the worst and give the poor guy a chance to explain. Just because he went into her place doesn't automatically meant that something had to have happened.

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