Chapter 78

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What the f*ck just happened? Why the f*ck did I just sleep with him? Does that mean that I have forgiven him for what he had put me through? For not trusting me? For not letting me explain?

Hell no. Definitely not.

I picked up my pajamas from the floor and went into the bedroom. Since I had left all the blankets on Keane I put on a robe and a jacket as well as socks before letting myself fall onto the bed. With the lampshade light on I looked up the ceiling and images of our lovemaking or rather our f*cking, because it could not be called anything else than that, kept replaying in my head, and I knocked with my fist on my forehead over and over again.

I didn't know how much time had passed until I was exhausted enough and I could finally fall asleep.

Tomorrow, I will deal with him tomorrow.


I woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, but before I sat up I stretched myself and thought about last night. I didn't know how I should face Keane after what had happened between us. My cheeks flushed deep red at the thought of the previous night. The door that I had definitely closed behind me last night was left open, Keane had to have already looked for me.

I realized that I was covered with blankets which I had left on Keane last night, and that my jacket had been taken off. When I stared at the clock on my bedside table I was appalled by the time, it was three in the afternoon. My body had to have been really exhausted, I slept like a rock.

I immediately got off the bed, and went into the kitchen and was greeted by a half naked Keane who only had a towel around his hips. He had been drinking coffee from his cup while staring into the air when he saw me. His body was still covered with water drops here and there. He had to have just come out of the shower himself.

His smile came tentatively, awaiting my reaction. I gulped at the sight.

Why does he have to be so damn sexy? That body of his is too delicious and sinful.

My whole body flushed, and my face reddened, a shade darker than the rest of me. I didn't even look at him but went straight for the coffee machine. "Good morning," I mumbled still refusing to look him in the eyes.

I could feel his gaze staring holes into my back as I moved slowly while preparing my drink. "Thank you for yesterday."

Oh my god. What does he mean by that? Which part was he thanking me for? Oh my god.

I turned even redder if that was even possible. "What do you mean?" I could barely hear my words over the loud beating of my racing heart.

"Thank you for saving my life." I heard him slowly walking towards me. "I barely made it to the porch. I can't remember anything."

I moved away from the kitchen counter where the coffee machine was and went to the other side of the table creating a barrier between us with the furniture.

Maybe he doesn't remember that we had sex last night?

"Your life didn't need saving if you hadn't been stupid enough to walk outside in the blizzard," I fixated him and threw him an accusing look. I silently hoped that he was too out of it to remember what happened between us yesterday.

"I couldn't wait. I had to see you." He took some steps towards the table which was still blocking him from me.

"I came to apologize." He gazed into my eyes, but I couldn't look back for long and averted my gaze. I looked at my cup and took a sip of my coffee.

"I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me. I was wrong. I caused all this. I did this to us. I made you suffer and cry. I'm so sorry." He put down his cup and walked around the table to get to me.

When he moved, I moved too, away from him. I didn't say anything.

"It's okay, my love. I'll wait. Take your time. You can forgive me when you are ready to do so." This time I was the one who stared at him, he smiled. "I will do everything for you to forgive me."

I swallowed hard, "Why aren't you wearing clothes?" I couldn't think of anything to say. His words and his naked body were distracting me and my befuddled brain.

"I just started the washing machine. The clothes I wore and the ones I brought got wet on my way here. I took a shortcut to get here, but unfortunately the frozen ice over the little lake caved in. Good thing I was only neck deep into the water when it did."

My eyes widened at his story. That was a close call. He was in luck indeed. He could have gotten himself frozen to death out there yesterday.

He was willing to risk his life just to get to me as soon as possible.

"Do you want something to eat?" He went to the fridge and looked inside. "How about an omelette?"

The thought of food made my stomach rumble. I hadn't eaten dinner because of him. Slowly, I nodded my head in approval as I went to the table to sit and watch him.

I had missed his presence so much, my eyes were stuck on his body watching his every move. His broad shoulders and slim hips displayed a beautiful shape that promised virility and strength. Again I was reminded by what happened last night. I tried to cover my red cheeks with my cup of coffee and my hands. At that moment Keane looked over his shoulder and grinned, "Care to share that thought?"


"I would love to know what's making you blush." He looked back at his chopping board again.

Does he really not remember anything from last night?

I just shook my head, finished my drink and stood up to put my cup in the dishwasher. "Can I help you." While I stood next to him I watched his muscular arms handle the knife and skillfully chop vegetables for the omelette.

"Could you grab a bowl and whip the eggs?"

"Sure." I went to get a bowl on the top shelf of the cupboard, and I had to stand on tiptoe but I still could not reach it. I turned around to ask Keane for help but he was already standing dangerously close to me and reached over my head for the bowl. I could feel his body heat from the closeness and smell his skin. He was intoxicating. Keane's throat clearing snapped me out of my lecherous stare which was aimed at his naked upper body. I looked nervously into his eyes and I could have sworn I saw lust in them.

He swallowed hard before taking my hand and putting the bowl into it. After leaving me to do my task he finished chopping the vegetables and heated a pan on the stove. I gave him the whipped eggs and sat down at the table again to watch him finish cooking.

We ate in silence sitting across from each other at the small round table. He had been watching me whole time while I kept avoiding his gaze. At one point he stood up from his chair and leaned over. I looked up and he reached for me. He put his hand gently on my cheek and touched the corner of my lips with his thumb in a wiping motion.

We stared into each others eyes.

How long can I resist him?


Hello lovely readers,

Here is another chapter for you. Enjoy.

There are only a couple of chapters left. I will be posting them as soon as possible.

Have a wonderful day! Happy reading!


P.S.: thoughts, comments, feedback.....everything is appreciated. ❤️❤️❤️

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