Chapter 34

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Megan was still sound asleep next to me, she hadn't heard the ringing. I stood up hurriedly to open the door so she wouldn't be bothered by the sound. I looked through the peephole and my eyes widened in surprise. A bouquet of flowers were being held right in front of my door hiding the person holding them.

A grin began to appear on my face and it got even bigger while I turned the keys to unlock the door quickly. I knew who was on the other side without seeing the person behind the bouquet, and I was so excited and eager to finally step out of the door. Every single thought and fear of Vic that ever existed in my brain had vanished into thin air and was forgotten. When it was finally open, I threw my arms around Keane's neck in greeting, locked my legs around his waist and buried my face into his neck. He chuckled at my actions.

The bouquet of yellow daisies were a dead giveaway. I would always know who would bring me those flowers. They had a meaning. Those sunbeam colored blossoms reminded me of our time at the beach, where we talked and he opened up about himself. It was the time where it all began, were us started.

I inhaled his masculine scent and it smelled intoxicating. "I missed you so much," he began while I was busy nibbling his neck, "I couldn't stay another minute longer away from you." I finally pulled my face away and gazed into his eyes and marveled at his handsomeness. He wore a grin that made my knees weak.

"I missed you too," I croaked partly because of my throat that seemed to have dried out, and partly because I was moved by his words. "I told my relatives that I had to go, but that I would be visiting them again soon, along with my girlfriend." I lit up at his admission and blushed at the thought of his intent to introduce me to his relatives.

"I'd love that," I replied before giving him a peck on his left cheek. He turned his head to kiss me earnestly on the lips, but we were interrupted by a throat-clearing. I looked around and back into my apartment and saw a grinning Megan who was staring at us unperturbed. Keane winked equally unruffled, "Good morning, Megan. I'm sorry if my ringing at the door woke you up."

"No worries, I'm glad you did. I have to get going anyway. I would have just overslept had you not rung the doorbell," she said walking towards the hallway where she stopped to put on her shoes, her jacket and to grab her bag. I had gotten off of Keane in the meanwhile and we both entered my apartment and said our goodbyes to her once she was done.

Of course, Keane and I spent the day together. After a short reunion in bed we got ready to go out. We were eating breakfast and we hadn't decided yet where we were going and what we were going to do afterwards. However, Keane got a call after which he decided that he wanted to take me some place he really enjoyed.

He didn't say what and where, and I didn't care as long as we were together. I would gladly go anywhere with him without a moment of hesitation. It was an exhilarating thing, but also a little frightening, as he was slowly but surely beginning to be the center of my life, just like Vic used to in my last relationship. There were alarm bells ringing at the back of my head telling me not to let this man that I had fallen in love with take over my whole life just like my ex did, but I ignored it.


Keane and I went to a dojo where he used to be a karate instructor. However, he had stopped being one when he went into hiding after the wedding that never happened. He explained to me on our way there that the man in charge of the class that day had called earlier out of desperation because no one else could, to ask him if he would take over one session as something important had come up. He agreed to do so because he wanted to show me one of his ways of relaxation, his hobby.

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