Chapter 9: Blair

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         I really wasn't expecting that. He really doesn't seam like the type at all to do all that stuff. But he was really scared I would just not talk to him after that, but I was surprised that it really didn't change anything between us. Which I kind of was hoping it would so I wouldn't hurt as much as I do not being able to be with him. But now that I know everything, we probably will never be able to be together or we could but my parents would hate it. Society would hate it. I can see it now, people will see us together in town and they will shake their heads in disapproval.

          What I really want to know is how I get myself into things like this? Like really how does that happen? But I like it, it makes things interesting I guess.

          Now I'm getting kind of sad because tomorrow is already the 4th of July, where has my summer gone? I leave for home in the 1st week of August. At the beginning of the summer I thought I would be tired of the Ozarks and want to go back and see my friends. But really I don't ever want this summer to end, I never want to leave him. Yeah, I want to see my friends, but I text them about everything that happens with them and everything that happens here and we keep in pretty good contact. I will be exited to see them, but I just don't know what I will do without him. I wonder if after this summer he will forget me?

           Well anyways.. I think to much... I went to work this morning to something very interesting that I wasn't expecting at all, in fact I was really, really shocked. I walked into work and Drew wasn't there so I went into the kitchen to talk to Matt who always seams to be there early, I don't know why?

           "Yo." he greeted me with, real classy.

          "Yo." I repeated back.

           "So I hear you and Drew cant be together.. Sorry bout that." he said.

            "Oh.. Yeah.. It's okay."

             We went on to talk about my reaction to Drew's past and I told him that it didn't really bother me. He was being really nice about everything and really understanding about the things we talked about. He even threw some sweet things in there. Was he flirting with me? I'm not exactly sure, but it kind of seams like it. But I'll just ignore it. He stopped talking to me when Drew got there. Drew and I talked a bit and went to work.

           Throughout the day Matt kept having little conversations with me off and on. When I there was no one to serve Drew and I sat at a table and started a conversation about the 4th.

         "So the 4th is tomorrow, we both don't have to work. But I'm guessing we won't even be able to see each other?" he said sadly. I could kind of see Matt in the corner of my eye staring at us talking. I wonder if he can here us?

          "Yeah, probably not, I wish." I said back glancing over at Matt to see him look away.

           "You know, it's independence day, so therefore you should use your freedom and come see me." he said jokingly.

           "Good one!" I said laughing.

            "So you are just going to sit at home on the 4th of July? Not doing anything at all?" he asked.

          "Well I don't know? We might go out to eat or something. We probably won't get fireworks though because my mom is scared to death that we will set a tree on fire. We have already discussed all of this. So I will just have to watch the fireworks from a far." I said over dramatically.

           "Poor girl. You know if you would come over, we would shoot off fireworks, but You won't use your freedom! So I guess I'm not shooting off anything now!" he said purposely wanting a reaction from me.

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