Chapter 16: Blair

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           The first day of our whole plan was already over, it went by so fast. When I got inside I was so happy, but I was still a little shook up from the crazy dude who was trying to kill Drew. But other than that the day couldn't have got any better. I mean seriously I got a dog!! But Drew took him home with him because my parents don't know yet.

           My parents were waiting for me when I got inside, they asked how my day was and I told them how much fun we had leaving out the gas station. My dad however still didn't look to thrilled about anything, but oh well. I then went and took a shower, then I laid in my bed and read the final chapters of The Catcher in the Rye. The weird thing is I still didn't see much of a conflict. I guess it was kind of a happy ending though I guess. He didn't end up running away for good because he realized how much he missed everyone. The thing was that he hated everything and almost everyone it seamed like, so I'm not sure why he wouldn't want to run away. I don't know it was just different then a every other book I have read.

            After I finished the book I sat there thinking about everything. Just life in general. I thought about today, and tomorrow, and yesterday, and the past, and the future. It's scary to think about it all at once, your thoughts get mixed and it just gets confusing. I was thinking and after these next few weeks, I will probably never get to see him again. It makes me wonder why I even get close to someone if you can't be with them. My problem is I get close to someone and then they leave. Weather it is going to the Army, or if they just don't like me anymore. I just don't know why I do this to myself when I just end up getting hurt every time. I'm kind of stupid in that way.

           The more I thought the more I started to cry. I cried hard, kind of like a sobbing. I hate crying but at least it just lets things out I guess in away you feel better afterwords. It's just the fact knowing that what ever I do it won't change anything. We still won't be together. But then I stopped myself from thinking about all that and I just started thinking about the next weeks and all the time we will be able to spend together. It makes me happy, it really does. But it doesn't change the fact that I still have the bad thoughts still in the back of my mind. Finally I just said enough and tried to go to bed, but to my luck I ended up staying up till 1:30am because I couldn't fall asleep. It's nights like these that just make you rethink everything, it kind of sucks.


          The next morning I got ready and at nine Drew came. We went running on our route again and then went back to him house to lift and play with Sarge. After that we started mapping out our day. We decided today we probably needed to start that game of monopoly if we were ever going to finish it. So that is exactly what we did  first. He had the game so we sat it up on the kitchen table and began to play. We played for about an hour and weren't getting anywhere close to the end. He was winning though. But after that hour we decided to quit and play an hour tomorrow.

           So next we hopped in the truck and headed to Wal-Mart. Oh yes Wal-Mart, a great place it tis. When we got there we went to the back where the bike are.

        "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked me.

        "I am very sure. I mean, I'm not here for a long time, I'm here for a goodtime? Ay" I responded.

        "George Straight?"

        "You know it!" I said and was very happy with my cleverness. Then we both took a bike off the rack and road down the isle. When we saw I camera we would get out of it's view and we did the same for the employees. We soon put them back before we could get caught. So then we approached the ball pit or what ever you are supposed to call it, but I'm calling it the ball pit.

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