Chapter 23: Drew

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          Hanging out with our new friends was pretty fun, we had supper, drank a bit, and then sat on the deck and played some card games. The new girl, Aubree seams pretty cool. It will be nice if I will know someone when I go over seas. I could tell Blair wasn't very happy about it, even though I don't have any interest in Aubree. I've never really thought Blair would be the jealous type, I guess I was wrong. But she doesn't have anything to worry about.

          Today she came over and we just hung out and watched some TV all day. I mean we still went on our run and everything. We colored some more pictures in the coloring book until our hands started cramping from holding the crayons. There is a lot more pages in that book then you would think.

        It was really nice just snuggling on the couch with her and Sarge, all wrapped in a ball of covers. She forced me to watch like 50 episodes of Glee on Netflix, or at least it felt like 50. So much singing. So many break ups. I can't even keep up.

       In the late afternoon she got ready at my house. She took a shower and when she came out it was the first time I had seen her without makeup. She told me not to look, but I did anyway. I mean how could I not look?

        I went into the bathroom while she was doing her hair and makeup and just watched her. She kept glaring at me through the mirror. Her face when she puts on mascara is just priceless though! Her mouth is open, and she's like three inches away from the mirror with her eyes wide open, i just find it funny.

        When she was finally ready we hopped in my truck and headed to the county fair.

          "What should we go first?" she asked me when we pulled up.

         "Umm. It's what ever you want to do." We got out of the truck and started walking the fair grounds.

          She rolled her eyes, "Wow, okay, I'll just make all the decisions!" She said this with sarcasm, "Well, we could go look at all the 4H projects, and look at the animals first. Then we can ride the rides after that. Maybe we can play some of the carnival games too it you want to!" You could tell my then hop in her step that she was excited for the night.

           "I'm fine with that." I said.

           "So is this a date?" She said with a smile.

            "What! Hasn't the past two weeks been one big date?"

           "Well this would be like one that you see in the movies, ya know!" We walked into the building that had all the 4H projects in it.

            I'm still pretty sure that all of the other dates had been like in the movies, but oh well. "I guess I can see what you're saying." I grabbed her and hand and as we walked she swung our arms proudly.

           We walked through all the projects, starting with arts and craft and ended with photography. Some of these kids have some really good stuff. It looks like something from Pinterest. Not that I get on Pinterest, but Blair is on it a lot and shows me some stuff sometimes.

           We then continued to hold hands and as we walked down to the live stock barns. No body stared at us or anything which was good. I'm actually surprised she was holding hands with me and walking this close to me in public, she has told me how much she doesn't like PDA or what ever. But I know if we were at our county fair back home everyone would have stared. It's a small town and everyone knows everyone. They judge easily and assume things. They would really wonder why is she with me, when she is a good kid and I'm... not. The high schoolers would all judge her because that's what the high schoolers there do. I know, I was one of the them. Everybody talks, but only the strongest don't listen.

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