Chapter 18: Blair

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               That morning Drew and I didn't even go running we went straight to the lake. First we went fishing. He was really good at fishing, he knew all the good spots where the most fish would be. Together we caught around 15 fish, we didn't keep any though, we threw them out every time we caught one. As the day went on you could  see a storm was coming. Finally it reached us, and when it did, it hit hard. The wind was all sudden and didn't even give us any warning, the lightning came out of no where too. Drew looked aggravated he told me to put skis on because I was going to go skiing no matter what.

           I pushed away from him and told him that I wouldn't, but he forced me to put them on and threw me into the water, I was so confused. Why was he doing this, he has never done this? I started crying I didn't know what to do. And to make matters worse I couldn't ski! I started breathing heavily and the waves were blowing into my face and I started to choke on the water.

            He started the boat and I started to scream at him but it was like my voice was muted and nothing was coming out. He quickly went up to speed, but I fell face first into the water. For some reason I hadn't realized that the rope had some how got attached to my wrist so I got pulled across the water gasping for breathe and trying to yell. He wouldn't stop, he just kept going. After struggling against it for what seamed like forever I finally gave up.


         I woke up breathing heavily, my face was wet and there was a wet spot on my pillow where the tears had puddled. I rolled over and hit my alarm clock that was blaring Miranda Lambert and it shut off. I sat up, rubbing my face in my hands. I hadn't really had any dreams for a really long time. That was weirdly ironic, since we were going skiing today and all.

         I quickly got dressed and did my hair, then I went and ate honey bunches of Oats while watching the Channel 9 news. They were talking about that town again, I couldn't help but take a since of pride that I had helped with that.

          "That's the town you helped with right?" my mom asked walking into the kitchen.

          "Yeah, things are going pretty good down there." I said taking another bite of my cereal.

         There was a knock on the door. I ran over to the door and let Drew in. "Ready for today?" he said smiling. "Good morning Amy." he said to my mom. (I think I forgot to mention that was my moms name)

          "Good morning Drew! How are you this morning?" my mom said delightfully.

           "I'm doing great! We are spending the whole day on the lake, so I'm very excited!"

          "You two be careful okay?" my mom said which was the most clique mother line I have heard my mom say.

          "We will be fine." I said cut in putting my shoes on and pulling Drew out the door, he waved back to my mom and as I turned around and shut the door.

        I turned on my music and we took off out of the drive way onto our usual route. Not taking any paths this time. We got back to my house and went inside and got a drink of water before we headed to his house. When we got to his house, I was greeted to Sarge barking and jumping on me. I picked him up and petted him.

        I followed Drew down the stairs and out to the dock. "Dang, no weights today?" I said my attention still on Sarge.

         "Nah, we need all day." he said as the boat lowered into the water. We climbed in and I put the puppy down and stripped to my green zebra print bikini and put on a life jacket. "Damn girl." he said looking me up and down.

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