Play for me, Come With Me

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'The dream it to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience.'

~Thomas William Hiddleston

As soon as I get home I change into shorts because skinny jeans are much to uncomfortable to wear around the apartment. Today I am going to get the living room ready so if people come over they don't have to look at a mess. After around six I am half way done with the living room. I am very picky on decorations so it takes me twice as long as other people. My phone starts to ring and it is an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answer my phone.

"Hello Love. How are you."

"I am great. How are you, Tom."

"Fantastic. I was wondering it you wanted to get dinner with me tonight."

"I would love too. But I have to unpack and stuff."

"On well how about I came over and help. I will even bring take out."

"Ya that sounds great, just let yourself in."

"Alright. Bye love."

"Good bye."

I hung up and continue to unpack. When I was pushing the couch (which I was having trouble with) I hear the front door open. Tom must be here. I turn my head and see Tom standing there with an amused expression on his face. "Need any help?" He ask sarcastically. I stop my struggle to move the couch and glare at him. He chuckles and strides over. He kisses my forehead and moves the couch with ease. Is he going to kiss me often? Not that I am complaining. I tell him where to put it and he does. He looks around my mess and sees the piano. His eyes light up and he goes over to it. "Do you play?" He ask. His figures grazes over the keys. I nod and open a box. "Can you play for me, now?" He ask. I look at him. His eyes are pleading and its hard to say no. "Some other time." I say. I love playing music. I know how to play the violin, piano, and drums. When I was young my dad would always pressure me into learning how to play instruments. Back then I hate it but know I am glade he did. Tom makes a puppy dog face and I shake my head. "We have to get the living room done. Next time I will." I promise him. We get back to work on the room.

Around 10:00 pm we finish and it is up to my high standards. I can tell that Tom got frustrated with my constant removing of things but he didn't complain. Tomorrow I will do the kitchen and the rest of the house. And tomorrow I should be getting the letter from the hospital whether I have the job or not. This thought makes me so exited. I will wake up right after the mail carrier comes to I will have it as soon as posable. Tom had to go and get some sleep, apparently he has filming to do tomorrow. He tells me that he had fun and leaves.

I head into my bathroom to take a quick shower because I didn't this morning. Then I grabbed my lap top and got in bed. I love going on tumblr before I go to bed. I grab my phone remembering I need to save Tom's number to my contact list. when I do the I see that I have notifications on Facebook and Twitter. I go back to my lap top to check them out on there since my lap top is faster than my phone. In have a few friend request but one catches my eye. 'Tom Hiddleston send you a friend request' I read. I accept not thinking twice. I check twitter and it says that Tom is now following me. I don't need to follow back because I am already following him. Awesome, I am friends with a celebrity. Not that it matters. But it still is pretty awesome. I feel like me and Tom and be really good friends. I put my laptop on the floor (I will take care of it later) and slid down into the blankets. I soon drift of into a deep sleep.


I wake up to my alarm clock. Still getting use to the time difference. I slowly sit up in bed and rub my eyes. Oh my god, the mail. I slip my slippers on and run down the stairs to the lobby still in my pajamas. When I get to the bottom of the steps some one else is at the mailboxes but i don't care. I run over and practically push him to the side. 'Hey!" The man said. Of course it was Tom I don't even have to look to know I can tell by his voice. I open mine up with my key and take out what's inside. I flip through the mail. There it is. A huge smile crosses my face and I can't help but let out a squeal. "Why are you so exited." Tom ask looking confused. "Follow me." In say as I run for the stairs. "Cam, Why don't you use the lift?" Tom asks. What? There is an elevator? Since when? I look at him and he points to the wall next to the stairs. "How did I miss that?" I ask a little annoyed. All this time i could have used a elevator. I run over to Tom, grab his hand and pull him to the elevator. I push the button. Wait for what seems like forever. The doors finally open and I push him inside. I push the button to my floor several times really fast. The door closed. We wait in a slightly awkward silence with that annoying elevator music. It reminds me of a movie when you are trying to do something quick and is in a rush but when you get on the elevator everyone inside acts slow and awkward. Elevators are always awkward though. After some time the door finally opens and I run to my door. I didn't even lock it on my way out and I wait in the door way for Tom to walk over here. "Hurry up." I exclaim impatiently. He chuckles and walks slower. He finally enters the room and I slam the door shut. Tom jumps a little at the sudden loud noise. I probably just woke half the place up. I run to the coffee table and through all the other mail on it. I look at the envelope in my hands for a second until ripping it open and unfolding the paper inside.

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