Flash of the Past

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~Thomas William Hiddleston

With bags already packed and boarded, I get on the train leaving Springfield and heading to New York. Its been a month since I have been in Gardner and I can't wait to see Tom. We have Skype and called but its not the same all actually seeing each other. Just thing in like five hour I will see him and be in his arms again. Right know he is on a plane over the Atlantic Ocean. We both agreed to meet up at the hotel we were told to stay in by his agent. We are only going to be in New York for two nights. The arrival night which is tonight and the premier night which is tomorrow night. The day after the premier we are going strait to Gardner because the wedding is the next day. Then we are going back to London the day after the wedding. It seems like since I moved to London I spend less time at home. I am always traveling and going places whether its for filming or by force I am always coming back to America. Which isn't a bad thing, I always grow homesick. To be honest, I like London much better than America. America lost all of its culture and to me its just a city with people filling the streets. Don't get me wrong I love my home country, its just England is so united. Everyone has something in common. England my new adventure and its the adventure I am always going to go back to in the end. London is my home now and the people of London are my family. I even convinced my parents to move there once they retire in a few years. I am not to sure if my sister will come to but I hope she does. She isn't going to college yet so she can wait till they move to move with them and go to collage in London. Or she can move first and stay with me and Tom until she gets the money for a flat. But my brother is very keen of staying here. But I don't blame him, he has a family and a well paying job here so I think he really should stay. I was luck and didn't really have all that stuff so I could move to London without loosing to much. I did work at the hospital as a nurse but that is a job needed and well paid everywhere.

The whole train ride I couldn't focus on sleeping or reading so I give up on everything and watch the houses and buildings go by. I even see a farm. That reminds me of when i was younger I wanted to be a farmer when I was older. Obviously, that never happened and I decided to follow my different dream. But I even wrote in my diary every single thing I wanted to be when I grew up. Every animal I wanted to have and even who I wanted to marry which at the time was a second grade crush I had. Wait a second, before I left I filled a bag with all my books I and in a box because I wanted to read but didn't know what to so I took it all. I think that in that pill was my diary. I get up and take the bag with the books down from on top the cupboard and open it. I sift through the books and find my pink diary filled with secrets and memories from my childhood. I hear on the speaker that we will be stopping in New York in five minutes. That went fast. Amazing how fast time flies when you aren't paying attention. But sadly this isn't enough time to go down memory lane so I put it back and zip the bag up. I get my other bag down and put them down in the seat next to me.

The train stops and I get off in the great big apple city. I heal a cab and give him the hotel name. Soon I arrive and check in. Tom isn't there but but he texted me that he will arrive in twenty minutes. I can't wait anymore! I need to read it and revisit the memories. I unzip the bag and take the book out. I then unzip the other bag and change into my pajamas so I am even more comfortable. I sit on the small couch and tuck my feet under me. I crack the book open to a random page and begin reading.

'July 8,

Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow I am going to my grandparents. I went up north for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I went on a trampoline everyday there, even when it was raining, I played games, I saw fireworks and had smores and marshmallows. We slept in a tent for a night but it rained and we all go soaked. That was my days'

I smile at the memory. It was forth of July weekend and my family and family friends when to Maine. We were so close to the Canadian border that we could have walked there. Everyday it rained but it didn't stop us from going outside and having a good time. Us children that went got to do anything we wanted because our parents were to drunk and having their own fun to notice us. I turn the page the and read another entry.

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