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"Loki: What, because I... I... I am the monster parents tell their children about at night?

Odin: No! No!

Loki: You know, it all makes sense now, why you favor Thor all these years, because no matter how much you clam to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting in the throne of Asgard!"

~Loki/Odin- Thor

After a week of staying at my parents house and visiting with family and friends; I finally went back to London to a inpationtly waiting Tom. He was extatic to see me again and said 'never leave me agian! I can't function with out you!' I love that he missed me as much as I missed him. He said that he fell apart and couldn't do a thing with out me. I wasn't far off from that either. Every morning when I woke up I stretched to the other side of the bed and was dissapionted to find it empty. Every morning I made a cup of Earl Grey tea that my mother had bought for herself since she finds it good; and expected Tom to come running into the kitchen at the smell of the hot beverage. But that never happened and I waisted a few cups of tea. I missed him so much that I when on the internet and watched videos of him through the years. Is it normal to do that? Damn normal, I am anything but.

Months passed by farly quickly. I only see Tom in the morning and at night since he is working on the film non-stop. I missed him then to. Only seeing him for about an hour everynight. But thats all over now since it's only two weeks away from my due date and today is Tom's last day of filming for a month. They have gotten more than 3/4 of the movie made already and they are well ahead of sedual. They will be done with filming before they know it and Tom will be back to spending time with his family. I have decided to make a nice dinner of chicken parmesan and for dessert Tom's favorite pudding. Now the table is all set, the food is ready, and I am just waiting for Tom to arrive. He would be getting out three hours early than usual which means three hours more to spend quality time with my husband. I have missed him so much but I know that he os busy with filming and doesn't have time to spend time with me. I secretly hope this is his last movie for awhile. Not forever, just for a year. Then the baby would be able to spend the first year of it life with Tom being there almost ever day. Then Tom wouldn't miss it's first words or first walk. I think baby's have that stuff with their first year of life. I will have to look it up later. When I put a bottle of cole on the table since I can't have any alcohol so we will have the next best thing, the front door opens and closes with a slightly load bang. I turn my head around to face the door to see Tom with a crooked smile on his sweet lips. He strides swiftly over to me with the help if his long slender legs and plants a kiss in my cheek. He wraps his long arms around my torso and hugs me as tightly as he dared to squeeze, not wanting to harm the baby by squeezing to hard.

"Darling, this smells delicious. You shouldn't have strained yourself to cook." He mumbles in my hair. I put my hand on his chest and push him back lightly so i can look at that face of his. That beautifully marvelous face of his. His hair is a light brunette color with his natural curls. The curls make him look ten years younger, more like a teenager. He has wrinkles around his eyes from smiling and laughing so much. His blue eyes glisten with pure passion. His lips curve into a small smirk at the corners. His sharp cheek boned that could cut your skin. His face is absolutely flawless which makes me wonder why this man has choice to spend the rest if his life with me-an average women with an average life and average friends. There is nothing special about me and there is everything special with him. If I wasn't married to him I would envy him. I close my eyes and lean my forehead on his toned chest.

"What's wrong, darling? Do feel fine?" He asks putting his fingers under my chin and tilt my head to look at him.

"I feel fine. Just thinking."

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