It's Nothing

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"Is not this simpler? is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."

~Loki- The Avengers

I just got off the plane in Boston for the five day stay at my parents house. They are coming to pick me up but first i have to go through customs and baggage claim and what not. Once I get through all of that i go to the pick up area to find my parents almost immediately. I have missed them so much it's not even funny. the last time i seen them is when they came over for the wedding and calling them isn't enough. I wish i could take them with me when i leave to go back to London. But i am sure that will change once that time comes and they make me go crazy. But! i know one thing for sure, i am going to miss Tom like hell. I already miss him and i just seen him hours ago. But, i am sure he is going to be to busy to miss me since he has all the filming to do. I am worried about him how ever, because he gets stressed easily and forgets to actually feed himself and sleep. I am going to have to call him every afternoon before he goes to sleep in London to remind him that he is going to have to eat and sleep.

Once they see me, they come over and give me a bear hug as best as they can. It's a bit hard with the baby in the way. I really need to come up with a name to call the baby instead of always calling it 'the baby'. How about Elissa since its either going to be Elliot or Melissa. They each take one of my bags and i take my hand bag. Their car is a five minute walk from the entrance since they couldn't find any other place to park. The walk seemed to take forever and made me even more exhausted than i already was. Once we get in the car, my dad starts to drive home. I am so happy to be back in Massachusetts. I have missed the cool March air that is so very familiar. The snow is thin on the ground from it starting to melt and the sun is low in the sky. In less than a month the snow will be gone and the trees will start to bloom like mad. Then it will be summer where everyday is sunny ad hot, my favorite time of year. I loved to swim in the pool that's in my parents back yard and i loved to go to Hampton Beach.

The traffic today is absolutly awful and it take what seems an hour to move ten yerds down the road. The sun is almost fully down and the moon is taking over the sky when we finally get home. We get inside and i slowly sit on the couch. For some reason I feel more tired than i should feel from sitting on a airplane all day. The baby starts to kick hard not helping me relax and take a nap. I say goodnight to my parents and go upstairs to my bedroom that still isn't changed in anyway. I change into my pajamas and crawl in bed after texting Tom that i have arrived safe and sound. I try to go to sleep but the baby keeps kicking ang it makes me unconfortable. Some how i manage to slip into an unconfortable sleep.

Something happens that makes me wake up from my sleep. I check the alarm clock at the side of my bed and see that it is four in the morning. A trun in bed slightly and take a sharp in take of breath. Pain shots throughout my body. I flick the sheets off from my body and sit up in bed slowly. Something is wrong, this shouldn't be happening. I pick my phone up and shone it around my body. I gasp at what i see between my legs. I run my finger over the warm red liquid that has stained my bed.

"MUM, DAD!" I yell not knowing what else to do. There is something wrong with my baby and i don't know what. I am only half way through the pregnancy so I shouldn't be giving birth, right? I am a nurse I should know this stuff but some how I have forgotten about all my training I had in the birthing catagory of medical school. Why is it you forget everything when you need to know it most?

My parents open the door to my room and turn the lights on. The red spot from my blood is bigger than I thought it is. This can't be good. What if I am loosing the baby? I can't loose my baby, not again. Why is this happening? Why does everything that could go wrong, go wrong for me? I can't let this happen agian; I need this baby to be alive and well. Just a month ago we went to the doctors and the baby was perfectly healthy. How could the baby suddenly become ill like this?

"What's going on?" My mother asks with a voice drenched in concern.

"The baby, there is something wrong with the baby!" I exclaim to them. Tears slowly make there way down my cheek as I stand up from my bed. My head suddenly gets light and I stumble slightly. My father grabs my arm, helping to steady me more. They look at the blood soaked sheets and a wave of panic crosses their faces. My mother gasps and ushers us outside into the car. My dad gets in the driver seat and my mother and I get into the back were she tries to calm me down. I think she is trying to calm herself down more than me. Another wave of pain shots though my body and I compress a scream as best as I could only letting out a small cry. I take my mothers phone since I left it back at the house and call Tom.

"Pick up, pick up." I mumble as the phone rings. After many rings it goes to voice mail.

"Tom pick up the bloody phone for christ's sake!" I scream into the phone with. I give the phone back to my mother and take deep breaths to try and size the pain and not to rage on the fact that Tom didn't bloody answer the phone. I could be in birth right now and he is probably filming a freaking scene for his bloody movie. We finally get to the hospital thanks for my dad driving like the devil and no police men on the road. We rush inside and call for a doctor or a nurse and a wheelchair. A nurse around her mid-thrid's comes arounf the desk with a wheelchair for me to rid in. I sit down and she begins to wheel me around the hospital into a room for child birth. I sit on the bed and she asks me queastions that I answer to the best of my obillity. She checks me up and does an altrasound. A doctor comes in and finishs the work while the nurse writes thing on the clip board. After some time the people stop moving around fast and start to take their time with things. The pain has declined significantly.

"The baby is quiet alright. Bleeding can happen sometimes but don't worry, the baby is perfectly health." He explains and lets me hear the baby's heart beat to prove is point. I sigh in relief and ask to see my parents. The nurse leaves and comes back in a short time with my parents who are as white as a ghost and probably thinks I lost the baby. The doctor explains to my parents what happened and they too sigh with relief. My mothers phone rings and she checks the caller ID.

"It's Tom." She says before answering the phone with a slightly rude hello. I give my mother a disaproving look and she rolls her eyes at me. She doesn't have to be rude to Tom for not answering the phone on an emergency. Although, I am a bit cross that he didn't answer in such desperate times. I can hear Tom's overly conserned voice from were I lay. She gives me her phone.

"Hello?" I say.

"Cam, is everything alright? What happened.?"

"It's just a false alarm. Everythings okay."

"I am coming as soon as I can."

"No Tom. There is no need for you to come. You have a movie to film. Don't come."

"Then please come home. I want you to be here. Please."

"No. There is no need to. It was just a false alarm. Nothing to worry about."

"Hhh, I am not going to convinse you to come back am I?"

"No your not."

"Well, I am sorry that I didn't answer the phone before. I left my phone in my trailer while I was filming a scene. I promise to keep my phone on me all time now."

"It's okay Tom. Really it is."

"You know I love you, right?"

"Of course I know that. But do you know that I love you?"

"Of course."

"Well, we are going to go back home and you should get back to filming. Love you, bye."

"Love you darling."

I hang up my side of the conversation and hand the phone back to my mother. The doctor gives me a paper to sign so I can be released from the hospital. We leave in silence and get in the car to go home. I just want to take a shower and go to sleep. Once we get home I go strait into the bathroom and take a long hot much needed shower. After that I change into clean pajamas and sleep in my sisters room since my bed has blood on it. My sister has also moved out not long ago into a nice appartment building about five minutes away from my parents house. Tomorrow I will probably go and visit her. I fall asleep quiet easily.


I wouldn't let her loose her baby... again. I am not that mean.

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-Abby <3

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