Surprise Interview

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"The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mined the audience."

~Thomas William Hiddleston

A young girl walks into a newly updated bedroom and gently closes the door not wanting to make any noise at all. Her eyes are red and threatening to spill over at any second. Her knuckles are swollen, hurting every time she flexes her fingers. A tear escapes her eye and she quickly rubs it away smudging the almost dry blood from her hand on her face. She opens the door back up and steps into the dark hall where she walks into a room across the hall. She turns the lights on and closes the door after her. She walks over to the sink to look at herself in the mirror. Her lip is split and swollen, a line of red runs across her check from her hand. She looks down to her blood soaked shirt and lifts it up to reveal a long gash in her side. Not deep but wide and long. Blood seeps through the wound and drips down her tan skin. What a mess this night turned out to be. Tear again slip down her face more rapidly but she did not try to hide them. She broke down into tears and crumples to the floor where she rocks back and forth ever so slightly while hugging her knees to her chest. A quiet knock comes from the door and it opens just a crack.

"Darling?" A older man says coming into the room slowly. She looks up through blurry eyes to address the man.

"Daddy?" Her voice is shaky as she utters his name.

"What happened?"

"I got hurt." She begins to sob louder and hug her knees tighter, ignoring the pain her wound gives her. The man goes next to her and comforts her shaky figure.


I wake up to Tom kissing my shoulder. I stretch my legs and arms out and turn to face him. His eyes are closed but a playful smirk plays at his lips. I run my fingers through his think golden brown hair pulling it ever so slightly.

"I love when you play with my hair." Tom purrs finally opening his eyes revealing those ocean blues.

"I'll do it more often then." I giggle and sit up. "But we should get up." He groans and turn around, pulling the blankets over his head. I pat his side a few times before getting out of bed and go down stairs to make breakfast. For some reason every thing in the kitchen sounds good to have, pancakes, beacon, eggs, sausage and toast. So I make it all. I start with the pancakes and move on until all the food is cooked, the tea kettle is brewing and steam is coming out of a coffee mug filled to the top with pumpkin coffee. Tom must have fallen back to sleep since he hasn't came down get. With a sigh, I climb the stairs and go into the bedroom where I jump onto Tom's sleeping form. He grunts on impact and I burst into giggles. He manages to toss me off and get on top of me. He pulls my arms above my head with one hand and with the other he holds my side. He is breathing deeply as if to control his anger and his eyes rage with hate.

"You mewling quem. No mortal dares to jump on me, Loki Laufeyson. The rightful king of Asgard." He says through clenched teeth. Honestly, this makes me uneasy. He goes from being this hot sexy man in bed that refuses to get up to this terrifying god who's ready to rip out your organs at any given moment.

"Tom, your Loki is showing." I joke trying not to sound nervous.

"I know not of this Tom, but I know one thing. I shall have you in bed." His long hands start to slide up my waist and his lips crash into mine. His lips glide over mine effortlessly, craving more every second.

"I made pancakes." I say braking off of the kiss. He chuckles and slides off my body lifting me up in the process. We go down stairs to eat our breakfast and I get dressed, ready to start the day. By the time I am all done and ready to go, Tom is already in the car waiting. The car ride to the studio was full of chatting and laughing. I wonder what people have thought when they see us driving down the road dying of laughter. But, it's great for Tom to have a good vibe for the interview. It's not really a normal interview when he sits in front of a camera. Well, that's exactly what it is but this time it's on live television. Just thinking about it makes my stomach churn and I am not even the one doing the interview. Being in front of millions of people terrifies me, but it doesn't seem to even phase Tom the slightest bit. He has done it so many times that it's like it's second nature to him.

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