Acceptance and Bowling

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"Stay hungry, stay young, stay foolish, stay curious, and above all, stay humble because just when you think you got all the answers, is the moment when some bitter twist of fate in the universe will remind you that you very much don't"

~Thomas William Hiddleston

We watched one and a half episodes of Doctor Who and ate almost a bag a chips and a half gallon of ice cream. We had to stop our maw because it was dinner time. My mother called all of us down to eat. She made corn chowder soup and fresh baked sour dough bread. We sit in our usual seats, my dad at the head of the table with my mother across on the other end. I am next to my father and on the right is my sister. Next to my mother and across from my sister is my brother. In the only seat left is Tom, who sits across from me and next to my father. We serve our self's and eat once we have everything is on our plates. Everyone makes small conversations about their day and asking questions about Tom. But all conversations end and the room settles into a comfortable silence.

"So, I searched you when you left to go to Molly's" My father speaks up. Oh boy, this is going to be interesting.

"Oh and what did you find?"

"You know very well what I found. Now, i have one question."

"What is it?"

"Well, it seems that your fame is growing ever second. So what happened when you get to famous. What happens to my daughter?"

"She comes with me."

"And if she can't."

"I stay behind as well." Tom says very seriously. To my surprise my father smiles with the answer and continues to eat his meal. An unsettling silence settles in the room. Once again my father speaks up. "Tom what are some sports you enjoy watching." I smile at Tom's sudden unreadiness. He knows perfectly well on how big New Englanders are with their football and baseball. "Uhh... Tennis." Tom says very nervously. My dads smile grew even more. "Welcome to the family." Tom looks the most surprised I have ever seen him before. My dad was born and raise in California, in a family that happened to be big tennis fans. "Shall I call you dad know?" We almost choked on my soup and all of us start start to laugh uncontrollable. "To far." My dad manages to say between laughter. This makes all of us laugh harder. I finish soon after so I take my plate and everyone else that's done into the kitchen to wash.

"I'll help." Tom volunteers. He brings in the pot that has the left over soup in. He puts the leftovers into a smaller bowl, lid it and put it in the fridge while I load the dish washer. "They like you." I reassure him. He smiles and nods. "I know." I snicker and wash the stuff that can't go into the dish washer. Until my mom comes in and shoos us away saying we don't have to do anything and to go sit back down. "How about a good card game of Bull Shit." My dad asks. I give an enthusiastic yes and my brother and sister moans a sure. Best card game ever invented in the history of time. My dad, Evelyn, Henry, Tom and I sit around the table playing the card game until it ends with the winner of Tom. Lucky bugger.

"Dessert time! Tom, Cam told me that you love pudding so that's what I made." She says while setting a pan of chocolate pudding on the table. I swear, Tom is a five year old boy stuck in the body of a thirty two year old man. He looks like a kid in a candy store. "You really didn't have to go through all this trouble on making all this." Tom says after he finishes. "My pleaser. Have some more if you like." My mom points to the pan. Tom hesitated but shakes his head. "I am so full but thank you." I finish as well and put my bowl under my sisters while she still eats. She can take care of it later. I do the same with Tom's bowl, reaching across, grabbing it and putting it under the other two.

"Well I am tired, it's been a long day. I think I am going to go to bed." I yawn to prove my point even more. I stand up and Tom follows my moves. "Me too." He adds. I kiss my mom and dad good night. I haven't done that in years. We go upstairs into my room to get ready. I decide to take a quick shower first so I grab my sleep pants and a tank top and head to the bathroom. I also take my tooth brush to brush my teeth. After I am done in the bathroom, Tom goes in to do what I did. I get into bed and play some flappy birds on my phone. What a annoying but addictive game. Tom comes in and joins me in bed so I put my phone away. I lay down and Tom puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into his chest as much as he can. He is only wearing sleep pants like he usually does to sleep. His body is toned but not so much that its unpleasant. His body is actually perfectly toned everywhere. I am just about to fall asleep but his voice wakes me up. "Cameron, have I ever told you how much you mean to me?" His voice is sleepy and calm. I shake my head not being able to really form words. "Well you mean so much to me." I shake my head again still half asleep. After a few minutes a start to drift off into sleep again but he wake me again. "Cameron..." I grab one of my throw pillows and hit him on the head with it, then turning around to face the other way. "Sleep!" I exclaim my voice clearly drowsy. He wraps his arm around my waist again. "I love you, Cam." He whispers in my ear. Before I could do anything I drift of to sleep.

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