Christmas Surprise

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"We are what the past has made us. We are what the future will make us. Live now. Right now."

'Thomas William Hiddleston

"Tom hurry up!" I yell up the stairs. I am so excited to go to Ben's to hang out until its time to go to Tom's mother's house. Tom comes down wearing his black nice fit pants, blue button up shirt and black leather jacket. His golden brown hair is styled like it normally is and I can't help but feel like there is something wrong with him. Like something is bothering him. "Are you okay?" I ask him right away. He nods his head. "Ya, I am fine." He lies. I can tell he is lying but i don't question it. If he wanted me to know he would tell me. "You look lovely." He puts his hands on my hip and kisses my cheek. I am wearing a white knitted sweater, black leggings, a red scarf and brown bear paws with the fluffy inside folded down so it is on the outside. My hair is naturally wavy and light make up. He takes my hand and in my other is a bag of presents for both houses. We walk to the car and get in. He drives to Ben's house and in twenty minutes we are there. I take out the presents for here and Tom had gotten them things two but i am not sure what.

Emma was already there so me and her talk while Ben and Tom talk quietly amongst themselves. Why are they so quiet? I ignore them and focus my attention to Emma that's telling me a funny story. We laugh loudly at the end of it. We then start to open the presents. Emma got me a gift card to Victoria secrets and a llama. I've gotten her the same exact thing. The llama thing is a little joke between us and Victoria Secrets is just natural girl thinking. Ben got me a book called 'The Scarlett letter'. I wanted to read this one but i never got around to finding it in a book store. Tom got a book from Emma and a few condoms from Ben. Tom smacks him on the arm and I glare at him trying to suppress a laugh. We talk a lot more until its time to go to Diana's. We say our good byes and go to her house. Tom didn't talk much on the way there which is odd. He usually is so talkative but he isn't today. "Are you sure your okay, your acting strange." I ask him again. He smiles and shakes his head. "I am fine. Stop worrying about me, darling." I nod and sit back in my seat. If he doesn't want to tell me I am not going to force it out of him. I look out the window to see the sunsetting casting shadows on everything. The fresh white snow glistens and sparkles in the sun. The Christmas lights on every house is on making green and red gloom on the snow and the air around it. Giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling. You need to take life slow and enjoy the little things. Life is to precious and short for anything lease.

We pull up to her house and we go inside. Once in, we put all the presents under the tree. To open later after dinner. Everyone else was already there because we are a bit late. But everyone soon sits at the table and starts to eat after a prayer lead by Uncle Jimmy. Diana made ham, turkey, mash potatoes, green bean casserole, sweat potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing and gravy. This is not counting the countless desserts that most people made. I take a tiny bit of everything, not the desserts though, there is to much sweats. Tom on the other hand took very little of everything other than ham and sweat potatoes. He is probably saving room for the sweats. He is in love with sweat things. If he could he would marry a chocolate bar and become a widower the next day. All because of his sweat tooth.

Everyone is soon done with their food and everyone sits at the table telling childhood stories. "I remember once Tom ran out of the house wearing only underwear and yelling 'The Americans are coming' with a broom in one hand and in the other a wooden stick with a horse head at the end. We had to run after him before anyone saw but the whole neighborhood saw him an laughed! That was the day his teacher told him about the American Revolution and how Paul Revere said 'The British Are Coming'" Alice says making everyone in the room laugh even Tom. The only difference is that he blushed. The great Tom Hiddleston blushing, what a sight! James leans over to his sons ear. "Are you going to ask today?" He whispers loudly. I am sitting next to Tom so I heard it. I couldn't hear Tom's reply on the other hand because Lily erupts into load laughter from someone saying something. Damn, I want to know what they are talking about. But its rude to eavesdrop so I try to stop listening. Everyone decides to start opening presents in the living room so we file in and sit anywhere we can find a seat. I sit on a couch and Tom sits on the arm rest next to me. He laces his fingers with mine and we sit there watching Lily pass the presents out. I wasn't really expecting to get anything bit to my surprise I got three things. All small boxes from people. Once everyone has their presents in hand we go one by one opening the presents and seeing what each other gets. We go in a circle and I am last to open my presents.

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