Taking Things Slow

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"We all have two lives. The second one starts when you realize that we only have one"

~Thomas William Hiddleston

"Good Bye Mom." I hug my mother last. All of our stuff is packed away in the trunk of the car. Tom already was in the car ready to go. "Oh Cam, come here." My father says out stretching his arms. I already hugged him but OK. We embrace but this time he whispers something in my ear. "This one is right. Stay with him." I smile and nod at his words. I wouldn't plan on leaving him. Not anytime soon at least. I wave good bye and get into the car were we drive to the airport to get on the plane back to London. I happy to be going home. To see Bella, friends and my piano. Go back to work and my own apartment. I jut can't wait to sleep in my own bed tonight.


We get off the plane and get a cab back to the apartment or flat as Tom likes to call it. The first thing I do when i get back is call my work to tell them that I will be coming in to work tomorrow and that I am extremely excited to be back. Tom went back to his apartment to relax and unpack and I guess I should do the same after I get Bella back from Phil. I call a cab and tell him the address to his flat. Apartment, sorry, this British slang is getting to me.

I take Bella back but he doesn't want her to go. He has grown to love this cat-devil. So I tell him that she will be able to visit sometime. I take her back home and remember that my mom told me to call her when we land. Oops, I forgot. I dial her number and wait till she picks up.


"Hey mom, we are alive and there I no shit in the fan."

"Haha, well I have something to tell you. We didn't really have time to talk about it."

"OK what I it?"

"I like this Tom. He is a keeper."

"Thanks mom. I feel really different with him than any other man."

"Like how so?"

"Like, I can trust him, depend on him, love him and be loved by him. I know we only knew each other for three months but I think that I really love him. Or at lease I am very close to it."

"Will I be expecting grandchildren any time soon?"

"No mom. We haven't even had sex yet. I want to wait and take it slow."

"Alright, well I have to go. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hang up my phone and put it back into my pocket. Now I have both parents approval which is great. When it came to sex, me and my mom have always been open about it. The first time I had it, my mom was the first to know. All she said was 'as long as you us protection and don't get pregnant, than I am fine with it.' Me and Tom haven't even had that discussion yet. How am I going to tell him that? Just go to his house and be like 'Ya, well I don't want to make love with you yet.' I guess I will just wait for the right time and moment to tell him. It's not that I want to wait till we get married or something. I just want it to be special and to mean something.

"I am so bored" I say out loud to myself trying to sound like Sherlock. I pretend to have a gun in my hand and aim it at a picture on the wall and pretend to shot it. I reduced myself to pretend I am Sherlock. Great (sarcasm). I think Sherly would be proud of me. No he wouldn't. He would find me annoying and immature, but he isn't wrong about that. What is there to do at three in the afternoon. I could play the piano but I am not in the mood. I could read a book but I don't have any that I haven't read already. Well I could ask Tom but I really don't want to bug him. Oh well, I will be in and out in under five minutes.

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