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"Loki: I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odin's Son, in my exile! I have seen the true power of the tesseract, and when I wield it...

Thor: Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be-king?

Loki: I AM a king!

Thor: Not here! You give up the tesseract! You give up this pointless dream!... You come home."

~Loki/Thor- The Avengers

I twist the stick in between my finger, staring at the two pink lines telling me that I am expecting. I smile at the though of a child running around the house and Tom chasing after. Him talking to a new born baby without me knowing I am there. This is something I always wanted to experience since I was young. A baby wrapped in a pink or blue blanket, being held by me while I sit in a rocking chair in its nursery. Its chubby pink cheeks, slightly opening and closing mouth, bright colored eyes, fuzzy baby hair, long thin fingers, little feet, what I always wanted.

"We'll be leaving soon." Tom says entering the bedroom. I put the test under the book in my lap and pretend to be deep in the words. Good thing my back is facing the door or else he would have seen the test. Tonight we are going to Emma's house where we are going to be having dinner with her and Ben. I haven't told anyone but Emma and that's where I am going to tell Tom about our future child. Emma was thrilled that I was having a baby and she can't wait for the baby to call her Aunty Emma. It will have two Aunty Emma's which will be confusing for all of us.

Tom waves his hand in front of my face and I pretend to be surprised by the sudden action. He knows that I read heavily and if I don't act like that then he would get suspicious.

"We'll be leaving soon." He repeats him self.

"Okay, let me finish this page." I say and actually read the page. After that I close the book and hide the test in my sleeve while walking into the bathroom. I hide it and flush the toilet so he thinks I used it. Again don't want him suspicious. Soon we are ready to leave and I have butterflies flapping their wings in my stomach. I hope he will be happy about this although I know he will. The sun is setting, casting shadows everywhere, filling the world with its darkness for the night. Wow, that was deep Cameron. Give yourself a high five girl! I pull out my phone and start to text Emma saying we will be there soon. All of a sudden, a force hits the car making us shake and things in the car to flight everywhere. Its like a rollercoaster, flipping around, although this is much more scary and life threatening. My phone comes out of my hand and I hit my head on the roof of the car. All motions stop for a moment where there is absolutely nothing. No sound, no movement. The car is on its roof making my head rest on the roof. I rest my hands down to pull my head up. I turn my head to look for Tom but he isn't there. The door is off and his seat belt is ripped. I start to hyperventilate and quickly unbuckle my seatbelt making my body to fall to the ground. It takes a few tries, but I finally get the door to open and I crawl out. Glass covers the area making it hard to crawl out but I have to find Tom. Glass pokes my skin making more blood come out of me. I slowly get on my feet but it hurts like hell. I must have sprained it or something but that doesn't stop me. I look around but he isn't there so I limp around the car to see him a few yards away laying on the ground shaking. His skin is so pale and red with blood. I pick my pace up and go as fast as possible to his body.

"Tom!" I say kneeling next to his body.

"I am OK don't worry about me." He tries to get up but fails.

"Don't move. You'll make it worst."

"Your bleeding." He lift his arm and touches the side of my face. I rub it with the back of my hand and pull it in front of my face revealing it covered with my blood. I shake my head.

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