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"When people don't like themselves very much, they have to make up for it. The classic bully was actually a victim first."

~Thomas William Hiddleston

"I don't know if I can do this." Molly says walking back and forth in my bedroom. She is wearing her wedding dress and her hair is in a fancy bun with tuffs of hair coming down next her ears. Her veil is clipped to the back of her bun and falls down her shoulders and ends at her waist. She picks at her nail polish on her nails and bits her lip in nervousness. She must be dying on the inside. I go over and stop her passing. "Yes you can. You know why? Because you love him and he loves you." I sit her on a chair and continue to do her make up. Soon she looks like the princess she is and I touch up my make up and hair before we leave for the church. I have my hair straiten and my make up is natural. Once we are all ready we leave for the church. Its only me and her in the car since no one else can see her until she walks down the isle. Once at the church and the car is parked we look around for anyone but don't see anyone. We then leave the car and make a mad run to the church door and we sneak our way to a empty room. I leave her in the room for a bit so i can tell her parents that she is here and ready. Everyone is in the garden waiting for the music to start. I return to her and tell her its time. She chugs the glass of wine she had in her hand and put the empty glass down. We link arms until we get to the door that we need to go through to start going down. Her father is already outside the door so what is going to happen is i am going to start down the isle and then Molly is going to exit the door and her father is going to walk her down the isle and hand her off. We wait in silence until we hear the music cueing me to start to walk. I hug her quickly and the leave the church with a huge smile on my face. I look through the crowed at all the familiar faces which makes me more comfortable than before. Once i get to the end i stand where i am meant to and watch Molly walk down. Her mother is crying and i can see a few tears in me fathers eyes. She gets down to the end and stands next to Seth.

The ceremony begins. Since Seth is half Greek they are having a Greek ceremony which is very long. Half way through i stop listening all together and stand there smiling like an idiot that doesn't know what is going on. Then all of a sudden it hit me. My best friends is getting married. I am getting married. Our lives are changing drastically and there isn't anything I can do about it. Not that I would want to. But with change comes intimidating thoughts on what is next to come. Just thinking about one day possible in the near future, I could be starting a family or she could be starting a family. And this frightens me quiet a bit. But now is not the time to thing about this. I should be happy, I should be grateful for everything that is happening. And I am.

I am snapped out of my thought when the priest say 'You may now kiss the bride' and Seth kisses Molly. Seth and Molly walks back up the isle into the church arms linked and love practically oozing out of them. Me and Olivier then link our arms and follow them into the church. Now, its cocktail hour. I am free to walk around and relax until the dinner service comes and I have to give a speech. I haven't even wrote a nothing or planned, I always wing speeches and let the word come out as I think of them on the spot. I am less nervous and awkward that way than reading off a card and sounding like a robot. I find Tom in the crowd and he gets us a drink. I don't feel like drinking either so I sip on it gingerly. I need something. Something that I can't yet in this room, in need to scream. Ever have that feeling that everything is changing in front of you and you just need to scream your head off. Well that's what I need. I look outside to the forest line that starts a few yards away. There is a good spot. "I need a walk." I tell Tom and hand him my glass. "I will come with you." He puts both glasses on a table. "No I need to go alone." I walk to the door closet to the woods. He still follows me to the door. "I insist. You stay, I don't want you to come." He sighs and nods. I grin and leave the loud music and useless chatter behind. I walk to the woods and the music becomes fainter and fainter with each step I go deeper. I come to a nice looking area, its quiet, peaceful, nobody around. And at the top of my lungs I scream up to the bright blue sky. For as long as I can I hold the scream and my voice brakes leaving the woods and the area around quiet once more. I smile, satisfied with that lifted off my chest. I start to walk back to the church feeling much better and more enthusiastic. I go back inside to the party I left before.

After a hour its time to take our seats and start the dinner courses. Molly, Seth, Oliver, Tom and I sit at the main table in front of all the guest. The course is served and its time for the best mans speech. I only half listen because I am to busy trying to think of what I am going to say. To soon if you ask me Oliver sits down and its my turn to speak. I slowly stand up and look at my audience. I can do this.

"Well, for starters I am winging this. What a friend I know. Well, me and Molly have been best friends since first grade. And freshman year we met Seth. She was like 'Oh my god he is so cute. Do you think he likes me?' and I was like, 'ask him out.' and then she said 'no no I can't we are friends it wouldn't work.' and this when on for three years and a lot of best friend therapy sessions later, their feelings for each other were announced in the worst way possible, let's not go into details. Well, they both cried on my shoulder until I told them to try it. Some year later here we all are. And if there is only one thing I can say is that you Seth, you are the only man I would let Molly have. You are the only man I would approve for her and you two are possibly the most amazing couples I have ever seen. You two are meant for each other and you two are are my best friends that I love with all my heart and one day you'll also be the best parents ever. Earlier today, I was scarier that life isn't going to be the same, that everything between us four is going to be different. I even went into the woods and screamed my head off as a though processor. Then I realized that nothing can change us. Molly, remember when we were child's and we would sit in the grass of your back yard and we would imagine our lives, how we will be married and plan our lives. How you wanted to marry a prince and I wanted to live on a farm. Well, this is your prince and this is your big day you have been waiting for. This is it, and you made the best choice on marring Seth. And to conclude, I am so ecstatic that you two found each other." I finish. The rest of the night was fun and never to be forgotten.


Even shorter chapter. I hate it too guys. Oh, by the way I don't think I am going to be doing the quotes in the beginning anymore because I CANT FIND ANY MORE! I know I used one quote twice, hoping you guys wouldn't notice. I probably already used this one. I just can't find any more. Maybe I could do some Loki quotes. I don't know. I like have quotes at the beginning so I probably will do Loki quotes.

Don't forget to vote and comment what you think.

~Abby <3

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