Lost and Found

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'Everything's a choice. Nobody's born good. Nobody's born evil. It's always a choice.'

~Thomas William Hiddleston

I wake up in a cold dark room. My head is pounding. No light other than a faint glow in the distant. I slowly get up and walk to the light but there is a door between it with a small window where the light shines in. I feel my body to look for any wounds or anything at all and I am wearing just a bra and underwear. No. Tear immediately fall down my face. This can't be happening to me. Why?! Bright lights turn on and I am blinded. I cover my eyes from the light and sit in the corner where I feel the most safe. "Oh babe' why are you crying?" I mans voice asks. I know that voice. But it can't be him. I feel a hard slap go across my cheek. "That's for biting me." He yells full of hate. He then kicks me in the stomach. "That's for leaving me!" He yells even louder. He then leaves the room and comes back with some food. I push him away not wanting to eat. "If you don't eat you will get punished." He says bitter sweet. I refuse the food still. "Fine" He gets up, leaves the room and lock the door behind him.

I can hear things being moved outside the door but I don't want to go and look. What is he doing? I think I am going to fined out in a little while. After about ten minutes all the movement stops and he comes back and opens the door. In his hand is a whip. I should have eaten the food. He lashes out on my back and forces me up. He leads me out of the little room and my eyes widen in fear. All this porn making toys made to torture and some medieval looking torture devises. How long did it take for him to get this stuff and how?! "Pick one." He says. I don't say a thing. He sighs and bring me to this rope thing that hangs down from the ceiling. There is a hook at the end of the rope and more rope. He wraps me in rope and clips me to the other rope. He turns a wheel that makes me go up. Pain shouts through me. Less just say imagine the rest.


Months, weeks, days I have no idea. I have no idea what season it is or anything at all. Time doesn't exist to me anymore. Minutes my seem like days but at the same time it seems like seconds. The only person that I see is Jordan when he gives me food or rapes me. He does that often. I am so weak lately I haven't moved from one spot since the last time I saw him. I know that I am in his basement how even. I have been in his basement to wash my clothes when we were dating and I recognize it. I don't know why he has gone crazy and decided to lock me up. I refuse to talk. I haven't said a word since I said goodbye to Tom all that time ago. I don't even know if I can talk still. I am not going to try though. What is the point.

I put my hand over the big bump that had formed in my stomach. I am sorry that you have to be here little one. It's been growing for a while now. It is the size of what a nine month would look like. So I have been here for more than nine months. He doesn't seem to notice that I am pregnant. He keeps beating me and doing thing I hate so much. Maybe I will get out of here. If I wasn't crazy then, I am crazy now. How would I get out of here, no one is looking for me. If there was then i would have been found by now.

I haven't cried in a long time either. I haven't really felt anything much in a long time other than pain. I have forgotten what happiness feels like. I remember what love feels like and that just bring more pain when I think about it. Tom is my love and it pains me to think about him. He must be going through a hard time not knowing where his girlfriend went. How she just disappeared off the face of the earth. I hope he isn't sad. I want him to be happy. I want him to find someone else and love her like he loved me and be happy because I am never getting out of this bloody cell! I am never going to see the light of day. Only the blinding light and the hell that comes with it.

Speaking of blinding light and hell, here comes the devil. He comes in and does his usual thing. Feeds me and rapes me. He then left. No tear no words. But he made a mistake. He left his pants in my cell with me. That idiot. I slowly crawl my way over to the pants and look in the pockets. Hope is in those pockets. Hope, the first feeling I have felt in far to long other than pain. But there is another feeling i am having right now. I click the button to turn on his phone. I year its been a whole bloody year being stuck in this hell whole. I dial 911 and it answers almost immediately. "Hello. 911, what's your emergency?" A females voice says. Tears stream down my face at her voice. A person other than him. "I need some help." My rusty voice says.

"OK, what is your name sweety?"

"Cameron. Cameron Laberato." There is silence on the other line and some faint mumbles.

"Cameron, where are you."

"My ex-boyfriends basement."

"What happened?"

"My ex-boyfriend Jordan Saltease kidnapped me. We need help."

"OK we have the address. We are going to come and save you. Wait, what did you mean by we?"

"I feel very faint."

"Stay with us Cameron."

I can't sit up anymore. I am to weak. The phone slides from my ear and I fall over on the ground. I can't move. My vision goes blurry. At lease they will have a body to bury. What seems like a second later, my vision starts to clear up. But this time there is people around me. Actual people. Two men pick me up and puts me on a gurney . But I black out again.


I slowly open my eyes. White walls. White tile. Beeping noises. hospital. I am wearing clothes! Actual clean clothes! I am in a bed! And its so comfortable compared to the stone floor. I move my head to the sides slightly. Then I look at my stomach. My baby! I move my hands to my stomach and feel it as if waiting for it to talk. But then I realize that I am not the only one in this room. Something had my hand when I moved it. I turn my head to the side. Tom! I smile at him. But he is asleep. Then I look to the corner of the room. A baby in a cradle. My baby. I slowly put my feet on the floor to get up but first I have to get the tubes in my arms out. I rip them out not even wincing at the pain. I stand and almost fall over. But I steady myself. I shuffle slowly to the baby and touch its sleeping form. I look to the side at a clipboard with a certificate. My girl. Everything is filled out other than the name. I grab it and write her name to the board. Hope. Because that was the first emotion I have felt in months and was when I started to have contractions for her. She is my hope. I want to hold her but I am scared I am going to drop her because i am shaking a bit.

"Cam!" I hear someone say from behind me. I turn slightly and Tom woke up. He rushes over to me and pulls me to the before and calls a nurses. She comes and hooks me back to the machine.

"My baby how is she." I ask the nurse. She looks at Tom and then back to me and left. I look at Tom for an answer and he gives me one. "Cam, your baby is dying. She is to weak and there is nothing to do about it." He tells me gently. I look to the baby and realize that she is in a box looking thing with wires in her arms as well. "I want to hold her." I demand. "Tom nods and calls the nurse again. She returns and he tells her the issue. She nods and gets the baby. She had to take the thing that she was hooked up on too. She's placed in my arms and I stroke her tiny face.

I have been through so much pain. So much torture. But all this pain is nothing compared to Hope dying. My hope died twice. Once when i was in that basement and once in my arms.

I am horrible aren't I. This is so sad I tear up just reading it. Well, you guys didn't think I would actually kill her off would you? LOKI'D! hahaha i am evil! I didn't want to stretch out the chapter of her being kidnapped since everyday day is the same for her. When my friend peetaforever0900 read this she said it reminded her of Sherlock since they all think she is dead but she isn't. Cam is Sherlock, Tom is John, Jordan is Moriarty. Yup!

I hope you liked this chapter don't forget to Vote and comment your opinion i would love to hear it!

-Abby <3

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