Chapter 20: retribution

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When Yulia didn't show up for school the next day Lena begin to worry. Could she had done something to herself the previous nIght? Had she? Lena was so caught up in her thoughts that she could not even focus in class, always checking to see if her texts had been returned though there was never a response.

did something happen yesterday? Is that why she's not here? Why isn't​;t she answering my texts? Should I call her? Should I go over after school?

"I see the little freak isn't here today. Hopefully the dyke killed itself."

Victor laugh tore her from her thoughts, though a minute later he was clutching his now bloody nose.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up? Who or what she loves isn't your damn business or are you secretly gay and afraid that people will find out?" Lena said, venom lacing each word.

Yulia sighed as she walked into the kitchen, thankful that her mother had long left to go to help some old lady do something and would not be back before dark.

At least this place is quiet for once.

She thought as she rummaged through the fridge, finding leftovers from the night before-which she popped into the microwave- as she glanced out the window at the overcast weather. Sighing she leaned against the kitchen counter, noting that her phone had been laying there all night, which meant it was surely dead.

"Damn it. I can't even keep a phone charged, no wonder they won't let me get a puppy."

She muttered to no one in particular as she grabbed the steaming bowl in in one hand and the cellphone in the other before heading upstairs to her room before taking a seat at the computer.

Glancing over the messages on the forum that she was a part of took her mind off of the wicked soreness that lingered across her battered thighs, though she knew it was only a matter of days before they were healed well enough and today was friday so it gave her at least the weekend to recover.

she was well in the middle of an online c0nversation, the half heated food more or less forgotten beside her when the sound f the doorbell alerted her attention.

"Who the hell?"

She muttered, getting up and going downstairs, only for it to ring again

"Alright alright keep your shirt on, Damn!"

She muttered, looking through the window to only see the familiar form of her best friend.

What the hell? Why isn't​ she in school?

She wondered before opening the door.

"Yulia? Why weren't you there today?"

Lena asked, earning a half hearted glare.

"Hello to you too Katina. What brings you here, besides your obvious need to practice your interrogation skills."

Yulia retorted, motioning the redhead in before adding " I didn't​'t want to go and my mom believed me when I said I had a migraine."

Lena had to roll her eyes at the brunette's responses though that did leave one question

"Then why didn't you answer my texts? I was worried you know!"

Yulia blushed slightly at this and rubbed at the back of her neck.

"Well my phone kinda gave up the ghost....I left it on, on the counter last night."

She responded honestly, earning a snort of laughter.

"Only you Volkova, only you."

"Um, I was about to fix myself some lunch? Want to join? And maybe you can tell me why you're not in school? I mean, you're too little miss goody goody to skip."

Yulia stated, the first part being a lie though she did know how to be a semi-decent host when she wanted to be.

"Sure and maybe I got expelled for the next three school days for punching Victor in the face."

Lena retorted, noticing how Yulia almost tripped over air at the news.

"What? You hit him? What the hell did he do? You're as pacifistic as they come!"

Lena just smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"He just pissed me off is all. Even my parents said he had it coming."

she responded and Yulia could have sworn that she sounded a little bit too proud of what she had done.

"Whatever he did must have been horrible to set you off like that."

Much later that evening Lena sat in Yulia's bedroom, watching as the other girl's hand moved rapidly across the canvas that was just hidden from Lena's view. however she noticed that Yulia seemed to favor her left side, preferring not to move in any way that could jar it.

"Yuli, I know you don't want to talk about it but Victor and the other's....They hurt you didn't they?"

She asked, earning a sigh.

"Yeah, now can we drop it? I have enough time to think about how weird i am without my best friend interrogating me."

She responded, changing the pastel she was using to a soft orange color.

"You're not weird. So what if you like girls? I mean in all honesty that is no one's concern but your own and I am not trying to interrogate you, I'm just concerned is all."

Yulia glanced down then, sighing before responding

"I'm fine Lenka, just bruised is all. I have had way worse, I mean you've seen the scars."

Lena just sighed again

"That's not what I meant Yulia and you know it. I know you've been cutting again because you can barely walk. Can you tell me why?"

Lena stated, noticing how Yulia became completely still, her eyes closing as if to ward off negative thoughts before she answered

"My mom even thinks I'm weird okay? My own fucking mother....And who is to blame her? Having a freak for a daughter. Hell, I didn't need the lecture when I came home yesterday...I didn't​ need anything but maybe an icepack but no....It's my fault. I deserve to be hurt because I'm a fucking freak."

Lena was by Yulia's side in an instant.

"Did she really say all of that?"

She asked, putting her arms around the tops of the slightly smaller girl's shoulders, earning a shaky sigh.

"She didn't have to Lena, The message was clear as day."

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