Chapter 32: small changes

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Yulia laughed as she watched Lena try to stand up on the ramp, only to slide down again and promptly falling over for what seemed to be the thousandth time, though she still got up, trying again despite the bruised ego. She seemed to be having fun and that was all that Yulia cared about, though she found it kind of strange how confident Lena seemed.

"Come on clumsy ass! You can do it, it's just a little hill!"

She laughed at the redhead who just glared up at her.

"Then why are you standing up there while I'm the one who has tried this four times already?"

Lena called, getting to her feet before adding "Or are you too chicken to try?"

Yulia felt heat climb to her face at this.

"You're going to regret saying that Elena Katina!"

"Oh as if I am afraid of you Volkova."

Lena watched as Yulia practically flew past her on the skateboard, going up onto the top of the other side of the ramp with ease.

"who's laughing now Lena?" Yulia jeered, though she was grinning good naturally at Lena who just huffed, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"You're gonna regret that."

Lena retorted, trying once again though she fell once more.

"Damn it! How do you do this on that death trap?"

Lena grumbled, only for Yulia to slide up next to her, extending a hand.

"Loads of practice and falling on your ass more times than you can count."

Yulia retorted with a grin, helping the green eyed girl to her feet, though she saw a flicker of pain go across Lena's face.

"You okay Lenka? What hurts?"

Yulia asked, brows furrowing.

"My left ankle."

Yulia easily balanced the taller girl's weight against her side and lead her to a bench nearest to the ramps.

"I'm going to take a look, okay? If I hurt you tell me."

She stated once she got Lena situated on the bench, slowly begining to remove the roller skate on the injured leg.

Yulia noticed the winching and the unshed tears though she didn't comment, though she knew that had this been just a year or so ago Lena would have been in tears by now.

hell, even I would cry at this.

She thought as she saw how bruised and swollen that it already was.

"Shit, do you think it's broken?"

Lena asked, earning a sigh.

"No idea, I do know I'm taking you to the doctor."

Yulia hated hospitals more than anything and sitting in the hard plastic chair beside Lena's bed in the ER was not something that she wanted to do, though what choice did she have? Lena was after all currently breaking her hand in a vice like grip with tears streaming down her face, which only added to Yulia's guilt.

"I'm sorry this happened."

Yulia muttered, earning a irritated look from Lena.

"If you apologize one more frickin time, my ankle is going to be the least of your worries. It's just a sprain."

Lena hissed, tensing up as the doctor moved the injured area to wrap the bandage farther around it.

"but it's still my...."

Yulia began but didn't get to finish as Lena removed her hand from hers and punched her on the leg.

"Shut it, I fell trying to show off. I'm fine."

"Careful, you might not want to irritate her too bad, she will have to leave here on crutches."

The doctor chuckled, watching the two.

"Yeah, I might be needing a second Set after I shove one of the first set up Yulia's ass!" Lena retorted, much to his amusement.

"Don't do that, I'm sure the x-ray tech would love a lunch break sometime today and I'd hate to have to do surgery on your friend."

Yulia chuckled at this, glancing over at Lena who was smiling at last.

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