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Jessie's POV

I walked to Jamie, my twin sister who was already scowling at me for making her wait. She was my everyday ride to school because regardless of our similar age, my father didn't trust me enough to let me drive and I knew it had something to do with the fact that I was always the immature twin who always came in second.

Jamie and I, we have the same facial features except for our eyes and hair. I had dark chocolate brown hair and light brown eyes which I got from my father whilst Jamie had silky black hair and jet black eyes which she got from our mother.

But we weren't that similar.

Jamie was the perfect student who spent ninety percent of her time studying whilst I only studied whenever I felt like it.
Jamie only wore neat and formal clothes whilst I wore anything I think was cool. And lastly, Jamie hated socialising and preferred to spend her time alone studying, whilst I chose to spend most of my time attending cool parties and hanging out with my friends.

We were polar opposites.

We walked together, both wearing our school uniforms which consisted of white blouse, a navy coloured blazer and a plaid skirt, but my skirt was several inches shorter than Jamie's. Jamie was always the one to strictly follow rules to the point where it got kind of annoying.

I trailed behind Jamie as we walked to the parking lot to get to Jamie's red Bentley which she got for her seventeenth birthday. Since I wasn't allowed to drive, I had gotten a complete collection of Jane Austen's book from my father, I know you never expected me to be a reader, no one ever was. I remembered crying because I was too happy but Jamie on the other hand, was only thanking dad  casually for a Bentley. Sometimes when I think about it, Jamie had a heart of steel.

We were also known as the Karlton twins. I secretly believe that our surname was the main reason why we were up on the social ladder despite of the fact that we didn't really care about popularity at school. Other than that, we were also known for having opposite personality. Jamie was called the ice princess while I was known as 'the crazy twin'.

Jamie was already getting inside her car when I felt a presence behind my back. I turned around and found myself suddenly face to face with Landon Park.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked, his gaze fully set on me. His arms were folded together and he looked like he was bowing his head to look at me because of our height differences. I was around 5'2 and he might have been almost a foot taller than me.

"Me?" I asked, confused, suddenly feeling alarmed.

He nodded. He didn't look too happy either.

Jamie shot me a worried look but she nodded at me indicating that she would wait for me as she went inside her car.

"What do you want?" I asked as I folded my arms and frowned at him.

That was the very first time he had ever spoken to me. He belonged to the popular clique at school who thought they were above everybody else and, to be frank, I never really liked them. They were cocky and conceited people, if I were to be completely honest.

"I'll cut the chase and get to the main point." He said, his arms were also folded together and his face was completely devoid of any sign of emotions.

"Please do." I nodded, waiting impatiently for what he had to say.

"Be my girlfriend."

I widened by eyes in disbelief and let out a dry chuckle.

"I don't have time for your bullshit, Landon Park." I shot him a sharp look before hopping into Jamie's red car, leaving him with a distressed look on his face. He glared at the car as Jamie sped out of the parking lot.

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