10. Blind

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Jessie's POV

"You had fun last night?" Landon asked me as he took a turn.

I softly grunted but nodded as I chewed my food which was of course, salad. I was having the worse hangover ever, due to overload drinking of wine that Edward had bought. We were so drunk, or at least I was because after I had woken up the next morning, Edward and Hira were gone and I was rewarded with an inevitable killer hangover.

Landon would drive me to school every morning and take me home from school everyday, he insisted that we would look like a 'real' couple that way.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Edward's snapchat." He replied which earned a chuckle from me. Typical Edward.

"How about you?"

He turned to look at me, his blue eyes blazed with a mixture of confusement and curiousity.

"Your sunday." I told him.

"Nothing much, just hanging out with Nick. He went to my house to play video games. Basically my sunday were full of video games." He replied nonchalantly.

Nicholas Jordan was Landon's friend who was the only one to  always be seen with Landon. They were childhood bestfriends but Nick was that type of guy who was quiet and cold, the type of guy who was hard to get to know, just quiet and super ignorant about everything in general.

"Nice." I commented with a blank face as he turned to face me once again and returned with a scoff and an eyeroll.

"I can't keep up with your sarcasm, fiancé." He chuckled.

I continued to eat my breakfast and my mind wandered about yesterday's strange occurence where James and Kaya were spotted together. I was sure it was never nothing because they could never be friends, they proved to everyone that they hated each other's guts since pre-school.

We were finally on the school's parking lot and Landon parked his silver aston martin at his usual parking spot beside Jamie's bentley. Jamie went to school extra early this morning because as the school's president, she had to organise for some school events. I remembered when Nadine was up and early when I just went out of my room and thanked god for that or else Nadine would have to ride with me.

As we got out of the car, Landon laced his hand with mine, taking me off guard.

"Act naturally." He muttered to my ear causing me to slowly relax and did what he had told me to do.

I nodded at him and held his hand before turning to look at him.

"Time to show off our acting skills." I mumbled before I was blinded by his usual smirk.

And then we walked hand in hand to the building with the gasps and gaping of the students as they pointed at the sapphire ring on my finger.

We walked together to the hallway, head high and not looking at anyone. I hated the fact that we were the centre of attention but it was inevitable, I had to go through this, for the sake of my father's company.

Landon gave me wink before walking away with an arrogant aura that naturally generates off him and an easy-going blue eyes that made him seem almost nice.

First period was Physics which was a class that James and I had together. The moment I stepped inside the class, James waved at me before he returned his focus on his book. He was reading Romeo and Juliet which was a book for AP literature that I was done reading.

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