29. The Word, Love

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Jessie's POV

"A reservation under the name of Landon Park."

And then we were led by the manager to a dark private room with only a huge medieval candles in the middle of the table which acted as the only source of light.

After ordering our food, the waiter poured wine into each of our glasses and went away, leaving me with an awed expression.

"I never thought you're capable of being romantic." I said eyeing the elegant room with awe.

"It's my speciality." He winked and the twinkle in his blue eyes made my heart flutter as I flashed him a smile.

"We'll be going back to New York tomorrow, we'll make today count." He pointed out as the waiter came with two plates before placing them on the table.

We ate in a comfortable silence with the candles illuminating the dark room. The food was great but my view was greater as the light from the candle seemed to be complimenting Landon's features making him look much more handsome.

He must have noticed me looking at him because he flashed his smirk but his eyes softened in an instant when he looked at me. His blue eyes filled with warmth and his full lips formed into a soft smile as he brought his hand to my cheek and caressed it softly. I stared into his soft eyes and flashed him a shy smile before looking down on the marble floor.

This was going to be the last dinner I had with him, better yet made this the best one we shared.

"Thank you for everything, Landon." I said lifting my gaze from the table to look at him as I expressed my gratitude.

"Thank you, Jessie." He said, his eyes never leaving mine but his dropped his hand which had been on my cheek to the glass table. His smile was soft yet sad at the same time but his eyes were full of rawness and authenticity as he heaved a small soft sigh which was barely audible.

"Do you remember the day when you asked me why I had agreed to put up with the deal?" He looked at me and when I nodded he flashed me a small grin which lacked humour instead it was a sad one.

"My father and I made a deal. He told me that he would inform me of my mother's whereabout if I agreed to the deal." He explained.

"I had no choice but to agree with him because I've never seen my mother ever since she ran away from home." He confessed and his eyes turned hard afterwards. I held his hand on the table as he shot me a sad smile.

"And then I bumped into my mom coincidentally in London with you."

"I could have bring an end to the engagement since I've already know where my mom is currenly living but-

There was a slight pause before he brought his eyes to look at me before continuing.

"I couldn't bring myself to." He finished and I stared at him confusedly, trying to find the meaning behind his confession.

"I guess it's because we've grown too comfortable with each other that I just can't think of the day we'll stop spending time together." He added and then he looked at me.

"This complicated thing between us is bound to be over but I need you to know that I love you."  He stared at me, his expression was far from solemn instead it was sadness and grave.

I let out a small gasp upon hearing the word 'love'. I didn't know what to say, or do and I hated myself for looking at him blankly and unknown of how to react.

Just as I was about to tell him that I had been feeling something for him, he let out a small smile before telling me.

"It's bound to be over either way but let's just spend our days in London like we would with no regrets. Let's make our days in London count before we get on with our lives." He spoke as he raised his glass for me to clink.

And then we drank our wines with a guarded look on each of our faces to end the moment.

We went back to the hotel, a little tipsy but after the small moments of guarded and stoic feelings, I guessed the alcohol had an impact to shift our moods because we were already joking and laughing after that tight moment.

We stayed on the soft couch and cuddled, Landon still wearing his Burberry tailored suit while I was in a simple Gucci satin dress. The alcohol was perfect to lighten the mood as we talked and drowned ourselves with the mindless chatter and talked about any topics except the ones that really mattered, the topic about our complex deal.

Our day ended with laughters and guarded feelings devoid of determined courage to speak our heart. We laughed and joked so hard to ease away from our disturbing thoughts of our feelings. Our feelings for each other were completely raw but they were untalked of and instead of an honest exchange, we chose to ignore our real emotions by drowning ourselves with the alcohol and mindless jokes as we were both too afraid to talk about the aftermath of the deal which we had sealed with our innocent motive and oblivious feelings which would eventually earned us an inevitable days of heartbreaks and vivid, beautiful memories. Hahahaha

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