4. Blackmail

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Jessie's POV

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Jessie's POV

"Are you okay?" I was taken off guard by Hira's voice when I first walked inside the school before I was enveloped in a bone-crushing hug by Hira and Edward.

I laughed as they hugged me and we stayed that way until Edward was pulled off by the grim looking Landon. Hira and I turned to look at Landon who was folding his arm and looking at me with a frown deeply attached on his face.

I returned his frown with a scowl and sighed as he gaze were unmoving and remained still on me.


"Follow me." He demanded before turning to walk away.

I turned to look at my curious looking friends before shrugging and apologising as I trailed behind Landon whilst trying to keep up with his long strides.

Me trailing behind Landon caught a lot of attention. I kept a straight face in hopes to shoo away all the stares, but of course, no avail. They were all still staring.

Landon lead me inside the tennis court. He turned around and folded his arms as he stared intently at me.

Tennis court.

The bitter memories lingered in my mind when I set my foot in the court.

This place was just so full of memories. Bitter ones.

"Are you okay?" Landon's voice brought me out of my reverie.

I must have looked weird because I heard Landon letting out a soft chuckle as he looked at me.

"I never realised you have brown eyes." He said, staring straight into my eyes.

"I thought they're black."

"They're deep shade of brown, almost black." I told him gruffly as I tried to regain my compusture.

"I'm sure you're not taking me here to talk about my eyes." I frowned.

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