1. Stepmothe-

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Jessie's POV

A soft classical chime was heard signalling that it was finally time to go home. I rushed out of the classroom and walked to my locker along with both of my friends, Hira and Edward.

Hiraki Komatsu was that fiesty girl at school who was never afraid to speak her mind. Edward Jones on the other hand, was that typical fashionista who was the sassiest and most lovable guy at school. We became inseperable ever since Edward had complimented on our outfits and asked if we could be friends, that was during the first day of pre-school.

Loud chatters were heard as we walked to the hallway, the huge hallway was never really packed with students as the school was only filled with somewhere around five hundred students because of the expensive tuition fee. Kyde Private High was built a long time ago and was famous for its history and prestige.

After gathering my things and shoving them into my black nylon Prada backpack, I was ready to turn my heels and walk away when I bumped into Landon Park, and his intense gaze made me feel uneasy.

"What?" I scowled at him, his intense gaze along with his handsome features never failed to make me feel weird. It was as if I couldn't bring myself to be myself.

"See you tonight." He said before stroding off confidently, leaving numbers of students eyeing our short exchange curiously with perked up ears.

I hated attention and that guy never failed to attract them which was extremely infuriating for me however, for the sake of the deal, I had to put up with all those inevitable attention for the upcoming future.

With my head held high and my face devoid of any emotions, I walked out of the school as I tried to ignore the soft chatters around me.

Relieved that I was finally out of school and in my house where I didn't have to worry about what to do, I rushed to the stairs and to my room where I spotted a tiny envelope placed above my laptop. I took it and opened it. It was an invitation to the family dinner at Landon's place.

There was a soft knock on my door before the door was being pushed open by Diane who had a huge grin on her face.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" She let out a squeel and I couldn't miss the excitement that shone in her clear blue eyes.

I looked at her and raised my eyebrow quizically.

"Where?" I frowned.

She rolled her eyes at me dramatically and put her hands on her hips, making her look like a tired guru.

"To the Saloon, dummy."


I was still confused before I was being dragged away out of my room and into the white Maserati by Diane.

David, our chaffeur seemed to know where we would be going as he just sped off without asking for the destination.

"Oh David, let's stop by Madison Street, Jen's place for a moment. I need to meet my stylist." She announced as David nodded at her and drove to the other direction on the street.

I turned face Diane abruptly.

"Why?" I scowled at her, not appreciating her sudden motive of dragging me out with her.

She rolled her eyes at me and sighed while placing her perfectly manicured hand on my knee as a gentle smile made its way to her face.

"We need to dress to impress at the dinner. You know how the Park's family are, they judge not only by money or looks, they always judge by style." She explained.

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