chapter 2

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The day went by pretty fast and school has ended.And to my dismay Kylie didn't bring her car to school so we have to walk home plus its raining so were gonna get wet .I head to my locker to meet kylie.
"How are we going to get home"She asks.If you're wondering she lives a few houses away from me so I walk to her house in the morning when Aaron is being a pain and we walk to school and walk back home.I quickly pack the things I need from my locker and look at her with concern filled eyes.
"I dont know and I don't want to catch a cold so we just have to suck it up so we reach rome quickly since we don't have umbrellas."she agrees so we bolt to the exit bit halt when we realize its raining to hard and we really don't want to catch a cold.
Hold up,I know you think we're being dramatic and we're acting like wimps but in our defense of we get a cold it is the worst thing because we get very sick and grumpy that our teachers allow us to skip school because of it and we call it the catastrophe cold.Yup,its that bad.

Ethans Pov

I am walking down the hallway and I see the girl I winked at today and her friend standing at the exit.Connor has already gone to meet up with Trevor,our other best friend who we've known sonce we were young.It's time to go home since school has ended but they're not making any attempt of leaving and its then I realized its raining and they don't have anything to sheild them from the rain.I know I'm supposed to be the 'badboy' but I also have my own problems.Anyways something is telling me to help them.I hesitantly go up to the girl I winked at,I think her name is Mackenzie and tap her on the shoulder.
"Hey,"do you need any help?"
She turns around with shock plastered on her face but she soon recovers.
" no,we-we're fine."she stutters.
I could tell she was lying so I argue on."I know you and your friend need a ride so don't deny it." she blushes and lets out a sigh and says "fine".

I let out a sigh and say "fine" and freacking blushed. I feel so exposed.I shake the thought out of my head and follow him quickly with Kylie by my side. I can't believe what I see, he has a Zenvo ST1. He quickly unlocks the car and we climb in.He turns out of the school parking lot and speeds off.He lowers the volume of the radio and looks at us through the rearview mirror.
"So where do you guys live?"he asks.
"Um...Blackmoor street.House 41 and 47."Kylie answers nervously.
"So whose house is 41?"he asks
"I" Kylie says.
"And 47 I guess is you." he says looking at me a second to long.
"bingo"I mutter under my breath.
"What's that?"he asks with a smirk.
"Nothing"I say and look at my lap "we're here"he says and Kylie says bye to me and thanks Ethan.When she climbs out and shuts the door he drives me to my house.We arrived there shortly and I ackwardly say bye and thank him and he says "goodnight ".I get out of the car and shut the door and he zooms off.I continue walking down the lawn to the front door and entered the house.
"Aaron, I'm back"I yell but I don't get a response. I just shrugged it off and head to my room,took my bath and crawled into bed to sleep.

Pic of Ethans car above^
I hope you enjoy the book and Peace.✌

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