Chapter 33

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Kami's POV
I stood backstage watching as the boys made their appearance on the stage in front of thousands of people. I heard the crowd screaming, chanting, cooing over each band member as they walked out. They especially
went nuts when Andy walked out. I never fully understood why fans went the craziest over the singer. I mean, all the members matter, right?
"I'm so excited!!" Macy buzzed in my ear as she bounced in place next to me.
"Calm yo tits woman."
"My tits are calm! I'm just....overwhelmed! I can't believe I'm actually backstage watching my favorite band perform! I must be dreaming!" She exclaimed.
"Wow..." I said and pinched her arm as hard as I could.
"Oww! What was that for?!" She questioned me loudly holding her arm.
"Well you're not dreaming since you felt that." I giggled.
"Thanks, I take it to heart" I said sarcastically and put my hands in a heart formation.
"You're a dork." She shook her head and watched BVB perform Perfect Weapon.

The vibration backstage was more intense than being out in the crowd. Felt like my chest was going to explode, but I love it. My body jumped and swayed in motion with the music and I sang loudly along with the lyrics. Macy did the same, but she was a bit more chaotic. She was moshing by herself, throwing herself around, the songs aren't that heavy to mosh to, but it's Macy. She was dropped a few times as a child I'm pretty sure.

Macy's POV
This is probably the best fucking concert I have ever been to in my life, besides the few other ones I have been to. I'm enjoying watching Ashley play, he looks back at me every so often and winks or shows his cute smile.
"You guys having a good fucking time?!" Andy yelled into the microphone as the song came to an end. The crowd screamed in response, a few 'I love you!' here and there.
"Alright, that's what we like to hear!! Sing along if you know this song, it's called Beautiful Remains!" Andy said joyously. The guys started playing and Andy started singing. I couldn't even hear over top of the fans, they were so loud.
Andy smiles hugely in accomplishment. He held the microphone out to the people and they sang their hearts out. Its fucking crazy.

----------After Show------------
The boys walked off stage sweaty, exhausted, yet satisfied.
"That was a fucking awesome show tonight!" Jinxx exclaimed, setting down his guitar in the stand.
"I totally agree!" I said, hugging a sweaty Ashley.
He kissed me on the top of my head, "Saw you watching me the whole time." He winked down at me.
"Of course, how can I not" I smirked, glancing down at his abdomen and back up to his gleaming face.
"Very true little bunny, very true." He said with a half smile. I giggled and saw Kami standing still, not saying a single word.

Kami's POV
I stood staring down at my black, worn converse, listening to everyone talk.
"What'd you think?" Andy asked quietly as he approached, standing next to me.
"It was good" I looked up and smiled.
"Are you okay, you seem out of it?"
"Ya just a little tired, that's all" I lied, but I'm a good liar. At least that's what I've picked up from past experiences.
"We'll be back on the bus soon. Gotta do a short meet n greet, pack a few things up and we'll be good to go. You can go now though if you want." He stated politely, placing his sweaty palm on my shoulder.
"No that's fine, I think I can make it a little longer." I smiled, this time it was real.
"Good, wouldn't want you on there alone anyways." He smiled and left with the boys to wherever the meet n greet was taking place.
"My ears are still ringing!" Macy said loudly.
I laughed, "I'm right here, no need to shout."
"Pout? Whaa...?" She looked confused.
"Shout! No need to shout!" I shouted back.
"You are!"
"Because you're fucking deaf at the moment dipwad!" I explained in a loud manner. She laughed slightly and nodded in agreement.
"Hopefully this won't take long..I'm starving." She whined patting her flat stomach.
"Me too, I could eat a cow."
"Eww......" She looked at me in disgust.
"Oh sorry vegetarian freak"
"I'm not vegetarian!"
"Then what's the big deal about eating a cow?"
"You said the whole cow, like bones... brain..heart..even testicles..ya know if it has any."
"Oh my god, not like that! It's just a saying Macy, calm down." I laughed slightly at her.
"What?! I'm a little slow today ok...."
"A little...just today?" I questioned her with sarcasm.
"Ain't nobody got time for you!" I sassed back.
"Ashley has plenty of time for me." She winked at me seductively.
"Gross! Da fuck!" I yelled, grossed out.
"The truth" Macy shrugged and drug her feet as she walked to the plastic buffet table set up with food on it. She grabbed a bottle of water out of the cooler under the table and took a big gulp.
I rubbed my eye to itch it and I looked at the black residue left behind on my finger. I look like death now. Not as bad as the chick who went to our school for a while who had fucking raccoon eyes. Black from her eyebrows to he cheekbones, it was bad. She moved a little while after she transferred in though. I heard it was because of bullying problems; poor girl.
"We're baaack!" CC shouted as they walked down the hallway laughing and messing around.
"Good! We're hungry!" Macy said after swallowing a mouthful of water.
"Well what you girls want?" Andy asked us as he bent over to unplug some equipment.
"....Hmm....I'm in the mood for some tacos..Taco Bell?" She asked.
"Fine with me" Andy said looking at the other guys.
"TACOS!!!!" CC shouted with excitement.
"Jesus, tame yoself. We should put a shock collar on you and shock you every time you act out." I suggested.
"You know that's not such a bad idea." Mr. Biersack chuckled.
"Uh, I don't think so." CC shook his head, picking up his drum sticks off the table.
"Aw you're no fun..." I pouted.
"Sure I am, meet me in my bunk and I'll show you." He winked.
"CC" Andy said shaking his head.
"What? Gotta prove it some how! Some way!"
"Thanks for the offer, but eh no thanks." I said.
"Aw fine...least I tried."
"Never gonna happen." I informed him. He did a pouty, sad face and I just stuck my tongue out at him.
We headed back to the bus and left the stage crew to pack everything else up. Macy and I sat on the couch chit chatting while the boys took off there makeup.
I heard a faint knock on the bus door, I got up and answered it.
"What the fuck...." I said under my breath as I opened the door to reveal who was standing at out door.

A/N: Ok guys, I am so fricken sorry this chapter took me years to get up!! I apologize it could have been longer and a bit better, but I did what I could!! I recently got a job and it's hard trying to balance school and work. I'm figuring out a schedule to where I can fit updating and working on my stories more often. I think I have something figured out though. I was also having a bit of writers block, but I have a few ideas up my sleeve now!! Expect a chapter this weekend too, its already in progress (: Thanks for reading and waiting so patiently! Share, vote, comment! XO.

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