Chapter 2

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Kami's POV


"I'm sorry to say, but your parents didn't make it." The man said softly.

I felt tears stream down my pink cheeks. I didn't want to believe what I was hearing, my parents are dead. They were taken away from me unexpectedly. I ran up the carpeted stairs to my room and started kicking and throwing stuff across the room. I picked up the photo of all 4 of us in Wyoming and I threw it at my wall hearing it shatter and seeing glass fly everywhere. I walked over to the glass laying on the wood floor and I picked up a piece that fit perfectly in my hand. I put it against my wrist and pushed it, forcing it through my skin. My blood started to trickle down my arm, staining my ripped jeans. The pain felt good. This was the first time I ever cut.


I awoke from the nightmare shaking and in a cold sweat. My earbuds were still in my ears and I removed them, wrapping them around my dead iPod. I slowly got out of my bed and walked over to my dresser. I opened the top drawer and pulled out a rag and a razor blade. I sat down on the cold floor and place the rag under my arm. I pushed the razor into my arm hard causing blood to be in sight. I slit my arm slowly, leaving a small cut. I wrapped the warm rag around my arm helping it stop the bleeding. I have to stop doing this. It's not good for me, or anyone else if they ever find out. I cleaned up the blade and wrapped it up in the bloody rag and put it bag in the drawer, shutting it.

I sat on the edge of my bed and looked at the time, 2:41a.m. I slept that long? I thought for a moment trying I figure out what day it is. It's Friday. Thank god.

I changed out of my black skinny jeans into my sweat pants and got back under the cover of my warm, inviting bed. I took a sip from the glass of water sitting on the nightstand next to my bed. I just realized I never replied to Macy's text she sent me earlier. I didn't even read it. I reached over and grabbed my phone from the nightstand and went to my messages.


Hey, do you remember how far we needed to read in The Mockingjay? I can't remember. Oh, and you left your wallet in my locker.

Shit, that's what I forgot! I was suppose to grab it from her locker after school. I put it in hers because I didn't have time to go put it in mine. I guess it's a little late to reply back to it, I will when I wake up. I rested back and shut my eyelids. I couldn't sleep though, I was still scared from my dream. I hate those dreams. I'm trying so hard to forget that stuff, but these dreams aren't helping. Jinxx recommended a psychiatrist, but I don't want to. I passed out like 5 minutes later, with no nightmares in sight. Hallelujah.

Macy's POV

Hey, do you remember how far we needed to read in The Mockingjay? I can't remember. Oh, and you left your wallet in my locker.

After I texted Kami I took a warm, relaxing shower. I also thought about a couple things. I wonder why Jessica wasn't at school today, I hope she didn't kill herself like she said. Jessica is friend of mine, she's not close but I like to talk to her. We both have a major crush on the same guy, Ashley Purdy. He is smokin' hot! I want to lick his 'Outlaw' tattoo, I wonder if he would let me if he were to be at Kami's when I go there.

I stepped out of the shower with goose bumps everywhere. I wrapped the towel around my skinny body and dried my hair. I got dressed into some black sweats and a Blood On The Dance Floor t-shirt. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and went into the kitchen to get some ice cream.

A wall of coldness met my scrawny arms when I reached into the freezer for the rocky road ice cream. There wasn't much left in it so I just ate it out of the container. I checked the time and it was 7:56p.m. and Kami hasn't answered my text yet. I bet she's passed out, or busy with her boyfriend Matt. He is June's ex, but after he started listening to Black Veil Brides and SlipKnot, he apparently 'changed' so June dumped him. Now he's dating my best friend, cool. I like him, he's a good guy.

"Ehh! C-cold-d!" I screeched as I put a big scoop of ice cream in my sensitive mouth. My teeth would 'zing' every time something cold touched them. It took me like 3 minutes to get that chunk of ice cream down.

I need to read the book for English, but I don't know how far to read and Kami isn't responding. I'm gonna text Jessica.

Hey! Do you remember how far we read in English??

Right away she replied-

Ya, we read 3 chapters which will put us at chapter 12.

-ok! Thanks!

I ran into my room taking the book out my book bag and started reading. I literally hate this fucking book.

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