Chapter 34

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A/N: I apologize for any mistakes etc! Wrote this on my iPod soo..ya lol.


Kami's POV

"What the fuck...." I said under my breath as I saw you was outside of the bus door, standing, smiling at me.

"Kami? Why are you here?" Scout asked.

"The real question is why the hell are you here? you seriously came all the way out here to see him didn't you?" I shook me head in disbelief and disgust.

"So, I need to talk to him. Where is he?" She scoffed, chomping on her piece of pink bubblegum.

"First of all, quit chewing on your damn gum like a ditso. Second, how do you know he even wants to see you?"

"Just let me talk to him bitch."

"You're not my mother, and we have a rule on this bus, no skanks allowed. Sorry." I smiled and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Ha-ha. Very funny, not." She said and made her way onto the bus.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! You can't just walk on here like you own this!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

"You're not gonna stop me from talking to Andy." She said, looking around examining everything.

"Get the fuck out."

"Not until I talk to him. Andy!! Oh Andy!" She called out, calling in every direction.

The bathroom door opened slowly and he peaked his head out. His eyes widened slightly, wondering why the hell she was here. I'm wondering the same fucking thing. He walked out in some black sweats and a Batman t-shirt.

"Scout...? What are you doing here?" He questioned her, confused.

"I came here for you. Look, I know I messed up! I'm sorry. Please give me another chance....babe." She whined, grabbing a hold of his arm, moving closer to him.

"Scout, you majorly fucked up. You cheated on me! You really think I'm just gonna take you back like that? Well you're wrong."

"Andy I'm sorry. Everyone makes mistakes! Like the fact you made the mistake of not wearing a condom before you left...." She said staring him in the eyes.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned her.

"I'm pregnant Andy. Because you messed up too, just like me."

"I don't fucking believe this" He said shaking his head at her.

"Well believe it babe, it's real. You can't just abandon me, abandon your baby."

"There's no way you're pregnant because we only slept together once or twice, both times were protected. I'm not fucking stupid."

"I am pregnant Andy!"

"It's probably the douchebag you cheated on me with! It's not fucking mine and I know that for a fact" He stated, walking away from her.

"Whatever, you'll see it's yours when it grows up looking just you. Fucking dick."

"Leave. Scout, just go. You shouldn't have ever came here anyways."

"Fine, but this isn't the last time you'll be hearing from me honey." Scout scoffed and walked out of the bus to a car parked next to bus. She hopped in the passenger seat and the car drove off with the whore inside.

Andy sighed, rubbing his forehead. I was still in shock with the fact she showed up here. I'm still curious though if she really is pregnant and if it is Andy's.

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