Chapter 22

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Kami's POV

"Well..." I prepared to tell her.


"Jinxx and Sammi, they are adopting me." I smiled.

She smiled huge and her jaw dropped which allowed me to see the chewed up fries in her mouth.

"Ok..can you please just..close you mouth." I asked.

"Oh sorry, but oh my god! That's..that's fucking awesome!!!!" She yelled and jumped up from her seat, "Give me a hug!" She said with open arms.

"Ok" I stood up and enjoyed the hug. She sat back down still in shock.

"Wow Kami, I'm so happy for you!" She squealed.

"Ya I am too." I smiled and threw my trash into the Arby's bag.

"Ready?" She asked me.

"Sure, where to now?" I asked and picked up my six bags from Hot Topic.

"Uh...Kohls?" She suggested.


We walked through the crowds of people to Kohls. Macy had a huge smile on her face the whole time.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked.

"I'm just happy for you." I laughed in response and we walked into Kohls.

We went to the Junior department and looked at all the clothes.

"Oooh, this is cute." Macy said as she picked up a dark blue shirt with black decal on it. I nodded and looked at one for myself. My phone rang and I quickly answered.

"Hello, is the Kami Weaman?" I kind voice asked.

"Yes this is her.."

"This is the secretary at your school. Where are you? You haven't been here for over a week?" My eyes widened.

"Uh, I'm in Texas with some friends and family."

"Really? Because we have asked various students and they said they have seen you around."

"Ok, well I'm dropping out. I'm going on tour with my uncle and his band for a while so I won't be at school.

"You think this is more important thatn your education?"

"Yes I do. Oh and Macy Terf is going with me, so don't expect her to show up anytime soon either."

"Kami, you only have about two months left of this school year. Why don't you girls come in and we can talk things over so you don't have to drop out. We will work something out."

"Fine. I'll be there in a little bit." I groaned and hung up.

"What was that all about?" Macy asked as she grabbed a pair of jeans.

"We gotta go to school and talk about our education. They wanna work something out with us so we don't have to drop out." I grunted.

"Ugh.." Macy whined and walked over to the checkout line. We bought our things and went back to the car. We stuffed everything in the backseat and drove to our school. This is going to be hell.


We pulled into the parking lot and parked next to the sign that said East High School. I glared at the front doors and got out.

"I'm kind of nervouse. We havn't seen any of these people in a while." I nodded and opened the front door. I could tell it was class time because the halls were empty. We walked into the office and Becky, the front desk lady greeted us with a smile.

"Long time no see girls." She said.

"Mr. Parker is in his office." Mr. Parker is the worst fucking principal ever.

We faked a smile at her and walked into his office.

"Ladies, have a seat." We sat down in the cushioned seats and made ourselves comfortable. By comfortable I mean outting our feet up on his desk.

"Please remove your feet." He said and got out some paperwork. I swiftly swung them down and leaned against the back of the seat.

"Alright, well I hear you are going on tour with your uncle's band, Black Veil Brides. We also know that education is very important to every student that attends this school. Does your bus or whatever you guys are going to be in for a while have wi-fi?"

"A bus" I said snotty, "And yes."

"Ok good. Then we are going to set something up for you two. We are going to allow you two to take oline classes until the end of the year."

"Ok. Fine." I said.

"Ok, we will have you two start the courses your first day of tour."

"Ok, whatever." I said and got up.

"Kami, please sit down." He said gesturing to the seat.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"Listen, I know you don't give a damn about your education, but you will in the future when you want a good job."

"Listen here Mr. Parker. You're not my father. He died a long time ago."

"Kami.." Macy nudged me

"No Macy, listen, I don't plan on getting a good, normal job like everyone else is. As you can obviously tell I am not normal. I don't need your fucking advice or help. I have better plans and things to do than to sit on my ass for eight hours learning nothing that I will ever need to use again. Now if you excuse us, we're done talking." I said and walked out.

Macy's POV

I could not believe she had just talked to the principal that way.

"Kami wait up!" I said chasing her, "That" I said meeting up with her at her car.

"Ya, thanks." She said as she sat in the driver's seat, "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." She laughed.

"Well I'm proud because I'm sure as hell that I never would have gotten the guts to do that."

She nodded and started to drive.

"Wanna come over for a bit?" She asked me.

"Uh sure!" I said hoping that the rest of the guys would be there.

"Okie dokie!" She said cheerfully.

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