Chapter 24

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A/N: Alrighty beautimous people! I have a favor for all of you! If you could go please check out my story My Perfect Imperfection with the marvelous emlong123 that would be wonderful! She is the author of The Last Cut. If you could go check it out, vote, comment that would be wonderful! Stay beautimous peoples!! And check out Paramore's new song, Still Into You over there →→

Kami's POV

"Wakey wakey!!" Someone yelled in my ear. My eyes sprung open. It was Andy.

I moaned and rolled over. "Go away.."

"Nope! It's a beautiful and exciting morning!" He cheered and shed happiness everywhere. Ewwie.

"And why is it so fantastic?" I cracked open an eye and looked at him.

"It's packing day! We leave in two days! Aren't you excited about that?"

"Is it really already that time? Damn...where have I been." I sat up and stretched.

"Yep, so get your lazy ass out of bed and pack." He smiled and left, closing the door behind him.  I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and I pressed the soles of my feet onto the carpet.  I walked over to my radio and turned it on. I popped in a Paramore CD and sang along to Looking Up. I went to my walk in closet and shuffled around to found two large suitcases and a dufflebag. I grabbed them all and set them on my bed, spread out. I sighed and went to my dresser and scooped out every pair of socks, underwear and bras and threw them in my dufflebag. I pulled out many different shirts varying from long to short sleeve and some tank tops, and some skinny jeans and sweats.  I packed a couple pairs of gym shorts too. About six pairs of shoes went into my luggage as well.

I scurried off to the bathroom and threw a bunch of random shit in a bag. Things consisting of three sticks of eyeliner, mascara, foundation, face wash, hair products and accessorise, and last but not least, a shit load of tampons.  Oh crap, I almost forgot my straightener. I cannot forget that.

"Oh sorry." Jinxx said walking into the bathroom when I was in there.

"Oh it's fine, I'm done."

"How's packing goin for ya? Fun?" He smiled and grabbed some things from the pantry in the bathroom.

"Oh ya..loads." I said sarcastically and gave him a thumbs up.  I went back to my room and tossed the bag of stuff into my suitcase.  I need a break for some food. I hopped down each stair with precision, trying not to fall.

"Holy. Shit," I said as I scoped the living room filled with junk. Luggage, band shit, and random crap everywhere. I couldn't even see the floor.

"A lot of stuff right? Don't worry, it won't seems as much when we get it all on the bus and stuff." Sammi told me packing a few things.

"How is this all gonna fit...?"

"Oh, we have a van that we put most of the band things in, so just our bags go with us on the bus."

"Oh" I said and nodded. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an orange. I peeled it over the trash and broke it apart to put each separate slice into my mouth at a time. Wow these are juicy.

I sat on my bed and sighed. I hate packing, so much. I grabbed one of the many pillows on my bed and stuffed it in a bag along with a blanket. I tried to zip it up, but it wouldn't. So I had to sit on it, but that didn't help much, considering I weight like fricken 100 pounds. No, okay I weight more than that, but not enough apparently!

"Andy!" I yelled out the door and moments later his tall figure came in, "Yeah?" He asked.

"Can you sit on this?"

"Sure." He said and sat right down on it. I zipped it right up.

"Thanks sir." I said and went over to my radio to turn it off.

"Yep." And he was gone.

I smiled and opened my blinds on my window. Ow, bright sun. But, it felt good on my pale skin. I cracked open my window to let in some fresh air.  It was actually pretty nice outside, it was warm but there was a cool breeze. It sent some shivers down my back. It was nice.

§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§HOURS LATER§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§

Macy's POV

I drug all my stuff to my car and got in. I drove to Kami's place and carried everything inside.

"Hey girly!" Kami said to me and helped my with my things.

"So. much. stuff" I said out of breath from carrying everything.

"Ya" She said and laughed.

We placed everything in a pile next to everything else and sat down.

"Listen, I have one thing to ask of you, please don't have sex with Ashley on my bed." Kami said.

"Alright I won't." I laughed. I can promise that, but I can't promise not having sex with him on tour.

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