Chapter 14

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Macy's POV

"I don't want you to sit around here moping because I said no." My eyes grew huge and I felt a smile spread across my face.

"Are you for real?!" I sat up perky.

"Yes, you can go, BUT you need to call me every Wednesday, send me texts every once in awhile, ya know keep in touch. No getting in trouble, no drinking, no drugs, no smoking all that. But, you're good enough I know you wouldn't do that." He hugged me tightly and kissed my head.

"Thank you so much!!" I said with a smile and grabbed my phone. I called Kami instead of texted.

*Ring, Ring, Ring, Ri--*

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hi!! Okay I have an answer!!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, ear drum." She said calmly.

"He said yes!!" I jumped up and down in place.

"Oh my god that's awesome!!! Im so fricken happy!! Oh, and I don't plan on going to school this week then..are you??" She asked me.

"Uh..I don't know. I guess not. I need to pack and stuff I guess.."

"Ya, so wanna come with me tomorrow to Jinxx's? Better introduce yourself. I'm going there in 5 minutes. They invited me over for dinner again." She smirked.

"Lucky bitch.." I pouted.

"Alright, well I gotta go, seeya tomorrow!!" *click* She hung up with excitement.

I danced around my room for a while, but then I stopped and realized I didn't have any music on. So I solved the problem by turning on my stereo and listening to Of Mice and Men. Good band. But, I kinda stubbed my toe in the process of dancing. It hurt like a bitch.

"Ahhh! Fuck fuck fuck!!" I said while grabbing my pinky toe. It is the end of the world whenever I hurt myself. It just hurts so bad.

Kami's POV

I stepped out of the hot shower and dried my body and hair. I slipped on my clothes and quickly ran a brush through my hair and applied makeup. I decided to scrunch my hair with a lot of hair products today. It looked pretty good. I went downstairs and ran out of the door and made my way to Jinxx's house.

~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~

I arrived at their beautiful house and stepped in the door.

"Hey Kami!" Jake shouted, causing everyone to look my way.

"Aw I like your hair today, it's really cute." Sammi told me examining it, running her fingers through it.

"Thanks" I blushed.

"Ready to eat? It's done." She said waving me to the awesome food.

I grabbed a plate and put some corn, mashed potatoes, and chicken onto my plate. I took a bite of the potatoes on my way to my seat. They were so creamy and cheesy. I ended up seating next to Andy and Sammi this time, he smelled really good.

I cleaned my plate when I was finished and sat back down at the table with everyone.

"Damn, you scarfed that down!" CC said.

"I like my girls who have a good appetite." Ashley winked and smiled.

"Ah buzz off perv!" I said waving my hand at him.

"Oh, and I'm bringing my friend Macy with on tour."

"Ooh, she hot?" Ashley asked taking a bite of the lemon chicken.

"Ashley!" I yelled

"What?! I was just wondering.." He pouted and looked down at his plate.

"You can answer that for yourself tomorrow. I'm gonna bring her over to meet you guys, if that's ok?" I asked Jinxx and Sammi.

"Yeah, that's fine." They both said in unison.

"k thanks." I smiled. They all finished and went in the living room. I looked at the clock and it was 9:00pm.

"Oh crap I gotta go, sorry." I said and stood up. Sammi grabbed my arm,

"Hun, why don' you just stay here for the night. Its dark and hard to drive at night. You can sleep in the spare room."

I smiled, "Ok thanks" I sat back down on the couch.

"Evan won't mind will he?" Jinxx asked.

"Uh, no. I'm sure he won't" I faked a smile and fiddled with my thumbs. Evan's gonna kill me.

"I think I'm gonna go lay down. I'm feeling too hot." I said and got up and walked up the huge stair case. I went to the first door on the right and opened it up. It was nice, gray walls, plush white carpet, a light purple-grayish bedding, and beautiful chandelier. A flat screen TV hung upon the wall above the white dresser. I sat down on the bed, it was really comfortable. I slipped my shoes and tucked myself under the sheets. I laid there and felt my stomach twist and turn just thinking of what Evan will do when I get home. I'm surprised he hasn't contacted me yet. Or Jinxx. I closed my eyes and slipped into my dream land.

Andy's POV

I watched as Kami quickly went up the stairs. She vanished around a corner and I heard the door open and shut. I took out my phone and I had one new message from Scout, I didn't bother to open it.

"So, do we have a set list made yet?" I asked the group.

"Yeah we settled with this." CC said and handed me the paper.

1.Set The World On Fire

2.Knives and Pens

3. Ritual

4. Die For You

5.The Legacy

6.Perfect Weapon

7.Never Give In


8.All Your Hate

9.Sweet Blasphemy

10.Youth and Whiskey

I nodded in agreement as I read each song title. We normally have like 5 encores, but we pick and choose which ones we would play and we normally play like 2.

"Looks good, band rehearsal tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yeah." Jake said.


I stood up and went outside to go smoke a cigarette. I sat down on the steps and lit up the cigarette. I took a long drag before exhaling the cloud of smoke out of my lungs. I felt my lungs fill up with the smoke and it burned slightly. I released it and I heard the door open.

"Hey." They figure said to me, sitting down next to me. I couldn't quite make the person out because it was so dark out. I focused very carefully on the person and noticed the blue strand of hair resting on it's shoulders. It was Kami.

I smiled, "Hey. What's up?" I said as I took another puff.

"Not much. Just needed some air." She said and avoided the smoke.

"Sorry" I said and waved the smoke around.

She coughed slightly, "It's fine." She smiled.

"How's Scout?" She asked me. I looked at her funny wondering why she would want to know.

"Oh, she's fine." I said.

"Thats good." She smiled. We just sat there for a while talking, but we got interrupted by a car. A car came and parked in front of Jinxx's house and was just sitting there staring at us.

"Must be paparazzi." I said

She gulped really loudly and stood up. "Uhm no, thats my brother" She said and hurried inside.

Evan got out of his car and came up to me. I could tell he had been drinking.

"Wh-wheress Kamiii?" He slurred.

"Inside" I said. He made his way up the stairs and went inside.

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