Chapter 1

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Kami's POV

My hood up, earplugs in, and walking on the cracked pavement and I was staring at my feet pound against the sidewalk next to my school, East High. Which, is full of preps and bitches. All The Rage by Blood On The Dance Floor was blaring through my headphones. I liked to blast my music as loud as it went to block all the noise around me. I wasn't much of a 'outgoing' person. A big gust of wind came and blew my hood off of my head, causing my blue, teased hair to go everywhere. I scrambled to get the black hood back onto my head to tame my hair. I hate walking home, but I also like it. For one reason only, it takes me longer after school so I'm not home right away. I hate that place, especially with Evan. He is such an ass. The alcoholic, abusive raper is his nickname. He is not a brother to me at all. I was forced to live with him after my parents died two years ago. They were on their way to Hawaii and their plane crashed. I stayed home from school for at least 3 weeks. Some people thought I committed suicide. Like I would be dumb enough to, even though I want to sometimes. My life is a burning hell, as well as that house. I don't see it as home anymore, no good memories left, only bad things happen there. I just see it as a place that holds my belongings.

It takes me about 25 minutes to walk home, unless I take my sweet ass time like today, then it's 40 minutes. Evan gets furious when I get show up late. I don't care though. I could care less about that bastard. I checked my phone in my pocket to see what time it was. 3:45, we get out of school at 3:20. I also had a new message, from Macy. Macy has been my best friend she has been there for me through everything. She doesn't know about Evan though. we have been friends since 4th grade, we are now seniors. I'm ecstatic about that. I don't plan on going to college at the moment, I want to be a singer, or maybe a fashion designer. I know, pathetic right? Those are the only things I find interest in though. Maybe I find singing interesting because of Jinxx. He's my uncle and also a guitarist for Black Veil Brides. I could move in with him and his fiancé Sammi, but shit would hit the fan between him and Evan. Evan could kill him if he tried.

I indolently walked down my street, spotting the light blue, tall house that Evan is most likely drinking in right now and pacing the floors wondering where I am. I decided to go one time around the block before actually going in the house. Walking around the block probably wasn't such a good idea either though, for one reason. Kyle, June's current boyfriend lives on the other side of the block. June is the preppiest, girliest bitch ever. You can tell just by looking at her car, a hot pink Ferrari with her license plates saying, 'U JEAL' which is stupid. She is spoiled as fuck too. She made her 'daddy' pre-order the newest Ferrari, for over $85,000. That's insane, I would never spend that much on a house, let alone a car. I turned the corner onto Kyle's street and took in a big whiff of the air. Ah, the sweet smell of STD's. You can really smell something funky by his house, even when you're standing by him. I swear it's herpies. I didn't look towards his house or even glance at it when I was directly in front of it. The only thing I could make out was a blob of pinkness, June's ugly car. The car itself is great, it's the color that makes it just terrible. I avoided his house, well tried to until someone called after me,

"Hey emo! Come back here! Come hang out! We can cut together!" A female voice called out. I heard distant laughter too. I bet it was June that said that.

I sped up getting out of their view, but that put me in someone else's. Evan was sitting outside on the capacious porch. He was smoking a cigarette and of course he had a beer in his left hand, until he threw it at the sidewalk nearly hitting me.

"Where the hell have you been?" He shouted, blowing smoke out of his flared nostrils and slurring mouth.

"I-I had to stay after school. Had to help m-my art teacher clean up." I lied.

"Whatever. Get your ass in the house." He said raising his scratchy voice.

I walked cautiously up the concrete stairs not knowing if he was going to hurt me. I flinched at the slightest move he made and it made him chuckle.

"What? You scared? Good. You should be, bitch." He said while shoving me through the door, landing on my hands and knees.

"N-no." I stuttered.

"Oh, ready for me already?" He said looking at the position I landed in.

"No, I'm not and never am!" I yelled, grabbing a full can of beer throwing it at his head. He fell over against the wall, and I got up and ran upstairs.

I stumbled into my room closing my door and locking it with my shaky hands. I threw my bag on the floor and threw myself on my big, white bed. I buried my head in my pillow and started to sob. There was a huge bang and it startled me, I almost flew out of my bed. I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs.

"You bitch! Open the god-damn door now!" He yelled trying to turn the handle and banging against the door.

"No!" I cried. I stood up and rushed to the door to lock it once more with the dead bolt. Yes, I have a dead bolt on my door for obvious reasons. Except, I forgot to use it last night and he got in.

"Don't you tell me no! Open this door before..." He paused.

"Before what?! Huh?!" I yelled in questioning.

"Before I beat it down and beat you as well!"

I panicked. I know he wouldn't be able to bust down my door, he's tried many times before. But, I was still worried. I laid back down on my bed and put my earbuds in, and blasted Savior by Black Veil Brides to try and block the noise from Evan. I rested my throbbing head on my pillow and shut my eyes. I prayed for this nightmare to end. Soon.


What do you think of the new Ch 1?? Is it better?! I think so!! Lots! I hope you liked it! Comment and vote! Tell other people about it! This time I have he Character Bio up first! Lol.

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