Demons Aren't Always Bad [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 2

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*Chapter 2*

{Hato's POV}

"This is going to be so much fun!" I mused, smiling to myself as the wind blew through my hair. It's already been four hours since we had boarded the boat that was going to take us to an island. We're on our way to our Chunin Exams in Konoha in the Fire Country.

Karasu glared at my enthusiasm and I stuck my tongue out in response.

She rolled her eyes and looked out into the seemingly never ending ocean.

"Where are we going again?" Mizu asked our sensei. His blue hair swayed in the wind. I could practically feel his excitement as he spoke.

Tejun chuckled. "Haha Island."

I giggled. "What kind of name is that?"

He shrugged. "It's always been there I guess, it's a mystery to me as well."

I sighed and leaned my hand against my cheek. After about five minutes I spoke. "How long till we get there?"

"Two days..." Tejun muttered. He knew I hated being cooped up.

I let out a loud groan and lowered my head down on the railing with a dramatic look. "Why?" I whined "It's too long!"

He shrugged, "Why do you think we left so early? The Chunin exams aren't for another two weeks."

"You mean I have to spend two weeks with you three?" I heard Karasu muttered with slight disgust.

Mizu narrowed his eyes at her while I stuck out my tongue.

"You think I want to do this too?" Mizu asked. "I'd much rather be messing with my brother right now then spending time with the likes of you!"

Karasu glared at him. "Are you sure you'd rather be with your brother? I would think you'd want to be drooling over Yami."

I snickered as Mizu's cheeks darkened to a light pink. Yami was a girl in our class who was put on a different team than us, Mizu has had a crush on her for as long as I could remember. Her sensei thought they needed a little more practice before they competed in the Chunin Exams.

"Shut up Karasu! You're lucky I don't know if you like someone or I would be making fun of you so hard right now!"

She snorted with an eye roll. "Whatever..."

"Alright, enough arguing," Tejun spoke calmly. "I think we should practice a little don't you think?"

"On the boat?" I asked aloud and he nodded.

"Your goal is to take this from me." He held up a necklace with a cat charm on it.

"Hey! That's mine!" I yelled while pointing at the necklace that I had gotten a couple days before.

He gave me a close eyed smile. "Really? Sorry, I didn't know..."


He grinned and shrugged. "You can have this back when you get from me, and the reward for everyone else is lunch, alright?"

All three of us nodded.

"Ok! Come get the necklace!"

Karasu, using her speed shot forward but Tejun easily stepped out of the way. He was one of the best Jonin in our village.

After trying to grab to stupid necklace for over two hours Karasu finally had gotten it. While Mizu and I were distracting Sensei she jumped behind him and grabbed it. She was definitely the fastest out of the three of us.

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