Demons Aren't Always Bad [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 20

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"God damnit!" I hissed as I scratched my arm on a giant boulder as I climbed it. "Why the hell would he have us come all the way up here?!" I groaned.

As soon as I woke up this morning, Kakashi-sensei had appeared at my window and said that we were training today at Training Ground 66. When I told him I had no idea where the heck that was he gave me directions before poofing away from the window, probably to go tell Emo Boy or to head to the training ground.

Little did I know, I would have to climb to the top of this thing! Why couldn't he warn me?!

But now, here I was, trying to get to the top of this damned cliff just to get to a stupid training ground. It was ridiculous!

"Almost there..." I murmured to myself as I stared up at the very top of the cliff. I knew at least one person as already up there, according to the chakra that was radiating from the top.

Finally, I touched the edge of cliff and threw myself over and on top. I landed on my stomach and laid there for about five minutes, just catching my breath.

Eventually, I flipped on to my back, staring up at the sky. Although, two heads blocked most of my view.

"Took you long enough..." Emo Boy muttered with narrowed eyes and crossed arms.

"Shut up! ...And you!" I exclaimed, lifting my arm to point to Kakashi-sensei. "Why the hell are we all the way up here?!" I jumped up from the ground and glared at him.

He stared at me with a lifted eyebrow.

"Well?" I asked, sounding impatient.

He shrugged before taking a small step away from me. "Because."

"That's not a good enough answer! You-!"

"Can we just start training?" Emo cut in with an annoyed sigh.

I let out a huff and crossed my arms. I glanced at Emo before turning to Kakashi. "Do I have to train with him?"

His eye seemed to twitch as he ignored my question. I rolled my eyes as he walked past me to stand in front of the two of us.

"Alright, I would like to know how advanced you are, Hato. I want to see some jutsu."

I nodded before taking a step back to give myself some space. I planned on using the chakra strings like I did with Choji but make it a little more deadly. I was going to turn the kunai into metal lightning bolts.

Flexing then widening my fingers, I started to feel the chakra forming. As this happened, I reached down into my kunai holster to pull out ten small kunai. Suddenly, something on the left side of my neck seemed to trigger.

In the next second, blinding pain spread through out my body. I let out a yelp as the chakra strings disappeared and I clutched my neck. I dropped to my knees and squeezed my eye shut.

I heard someone trying to talk to me so I forced myself to open my eyes. It was blurry at first, probably from the tears that were forming from the excruiating pain. What was happening?

I looked up to see Kakashi-sensei standing over me with his eye widened in surprise. I couldn't see Emo Boy but I knew that he was close by, probably staring at me in shock.

This pain... I didn't understand it. Then it clicked. Orochimaru bit me where the pain has started. It had to be the curse mark he put on me.

I glanced at the left arm that was holding my neck and sure enough, those rip-like patterns that were on my skin the day I was angry for no reason were on my arm again. I couldn't see my reflection but I knew that the rest of the left half of my body had the rip pattern too.

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