Demons Aren't Always Bad [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 7

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~Chapter 7~

[Karasu’s POV]

I’m. Surrounded. By. Idiots.

I watched Mizu and Hato as they both tried to push each other out of the way of the bathroom door. They did this every morning and, as a result, woke me up. You think I’m bitchy without reason?

“Get out of my freaking way!” Hato screeched.

“Go die!” Mizu retorted loudly, pushing her out of the way but she grabbed his ankle once she fell, making Mizu face-plant as well.

I facepalmed and sighed, getting out of my bed and stepped over the two.  “Ow! That’s my head!” Mizu shouted as I slammed the bathroom door close.

“Idiots!” I stated then got into the shower.

“We’re not idiots!” They both yelled but I ignored them.


“Stop calling us that!” Hato and Mizu ordered and I snorted. We were walking down the main street of Konoha, actually together for once. Tejun was out was out being a pervert and had ordered me to keep an eye on the two of them until lunch. Which was half an hour away, luckily.

“I love this village!” Hato suddenly said, practically singing it as she twirled around. She was laughing freely, something no one did back in Chigakure.

“Yeah, everyone’s so friendly! Even when they know where we come from!” Mizu said cheerily, waving at an old lady who was waving at us with a smile.

“It’s because in this village there’s actually happiness.” I muttered, low enough so they wouldn’t hear me as Hato spotted a candy shop. Her eyes lit up and I rolled my eyes. We all froze, however, when we felt bloodlust.

I glanced over my shoulder, my eyes narrowing. Three Sand ninja, looking about Hato’s and my age were walking down the road behind us. There was a blond girl with a fan on her back, a boy in all black with a catlike hat, makeup on his face and a….well, something on his back. The last one, and the one radiating bloodlust, was the shortest one, a redhead with a gourd on his back and the kanji for ‘Love’ tattooed on his forehead.

“He’s hot.” I mumbled. Mizu and Hato looked at me wide-eyed, their mouths dropping open.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” They both screamed, catching the Sand ninja’s attention. I felt their gazes on us as I sweatdropped, stuffing my hands in my pockets. Hato and Mizu’s heads were huge and they were yelling about if I was the real Karasu.

“Oh, shut up. Mr. Blueberry, hag.” I looked at Mizu then Hato. They both grew an irk mark and started yelling again.

I rolled my eyes, glancing over towards the Sand group. They were glancing at us curiously, well, the blond and makeup boy was. The redhead was giving us a death glare.

“Are you listening?!” Mizu and Hato both yelled at the same time and I looked at them blankly.


“What the hell?!”

“Oh, shut up you idiots. They’re coming closer, by the way.” I added quietly. They both heard me but were smart and continued with the manner they had been acting in.

“We’re not idiots!”

“Fine. You’re annoying idiots.”

“That’s worse!”


“You’re frustrating!” Hato finally snapped and I shrugged, turning to walk back the other way but paused. I held back a smirk at my good acting skills and rose an eyebrow as the Sand ninja also stopped. Well, the redhead stopped and the two followed.

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