Demons Aren't Always Bad [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 12

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*Chapter 12*

{Hato's POV}

After Karasu disappeared Mizu and I went adventuring around the building. After about an hour of running around we ran into some familiar... acquaintances.

"Oh, it's you." A familiar boy said with colored stripes painted on his face with makeup, he was also wearing a certain hat that reminded me of a cat.

"Gay Kitty!" I called back cheerfully. I heard Mizu snicker under his breath while I grinned and waved at him.

He growled at the two of us and stepped forward menacingly. Just as he did, his sister slapped a hand over his chest. "Don't be stupid," she muttered. She turned to the two of us with a curious look on her face.

"You guys finished already?"

We both nodded with an enthusiastic looks on our faces.

"Yep! But I can't say that I'm surprised you guys finished... Speaking of which... Where's your... Friend?" I asked, unsure what to call their other team member.

"Oh, you mean Gaara?" The girl, Temari, shrugged. "Who knows, as soon as we finished he disappeared, like he always does... Where's your other team member?"

We both shrugged. "Who knows," Mizu spoke up. "She does the same thing Gaara does when we finish a mission or whatever... I guess she gets sick of us." I swear I heard Mizu sound a little sad about it but I shook my head, we were used to Karasu treating us like crap, why would he be sad about it now?

Temari nodded, with an expression like she understood what he was talking about. After a moment I turned my attention to the Gay Kitty, who was glaring at the both of us. I grinned at him with my hands on my hips. "What's the matter Kitty?"

"My name is Kankuro." He sneered at me.

I rolled my eyes while Temari started to speak. "So... Where are you guys from again? Chigakure?" she asked.

We both nodded with our expressions darkening slightly. Both were taken aback by our expressions, I gave them an awkward smile with scratching the back of my head. "Sorry, it's not exactly a wonderful place, although... it's not as bad as it sounds...."

"You said that last time!" Kankuro accused. "There has to be some reason why every time we mention it, it looks like you want to murder someone!"

I let out an irritated sigh while out of the corner of my eye I saw Mizu growing an irk mark. "You don't understand." I muttered darkly.

He rolled his eyes while crossing his arms. "Really? Enlighten me."

"Kankuro..." Temari muttered under her breath, she stared at us hesitantly. "What?" he snapped, "There has to be a reason!"

My eye twitched. "I don't know what you expect us to say..." I muttered darkly after a few moments of silence. "... I don't exactly know how to tell someone that my parents died because some idiots thought that they deserved that fate, for supposedly betraying our country..." I snarled, getting louder.

I saw Mizu frowning at me out of the corner of my eye. "Hato..." he said, turning his whole body to look at me.

"Do you know how to explain that to someone?" I asked with a sadistic smile, taking a step forward towards them. "Because I don't. So, enlighten me, Kankuro." I cackled, probably sounding a bit insane.

"Hato! Enough!" Mizu's voice boomed, it echoed throughout the room we were in as I froze.

Then, as if like magic, my current expression melted from my face and a bright smile had formed once again. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't meant to raise my voice!" I said with a close eyed smile, sounding cheerful.

Both of the Sand ninja stared at me with their jaws dropped. "It's like she's a completely different person..." Temari murmured in an astonished voice.

Mizu stepped forward with a stoic expression and with his hands in his pockets. Kankuro and Temari stared at Mizu as if they were waiting for him to say something. I shrugged it off and after a few moments of silence I sighed and started to skip away in the direction that we had walked in from.

"I'm bored..." I muttered to myself. I turned to look at Mizu. "Come on Mizu! Let's go explore a bit more!" I called with a close eyed smile.

He nodded towards me. "I'll catch up in a minute... You go on ahead."

I nodded and continued to skip down the hall. "Don't keep me waiting!" I called back.

~*~Third Person's POV~*~

Mizu turned to look at the Sand Siblings awkwardly. "Um...-"

"What... The... Hell." Kankaro stuttered while staring at the direction that Hato skipped away.

"I guess you could say that it's a touchy subject..." Mizu started while rubbing the back of his neck.

The siblings nodded slowly while Mizu started to back away. "Well I should go... Hato's going to be waiting for me..."

Things were silent while they watched the Blood ninja turn away from them and slowly walk away.

"Is she deadly...?" Temari asked. "When she fights, is she deadly?"

When he didn't answer Temari's question right away, both figured he was going to ignore them and turned away to walk in the opposite direction.


Kankuro and Temari froze when they heard his response, then they both turned around to look at him as he continued walk down the hall with his hands in his pockets.

"Make sure that we tell Gaara about that bunch..." Temari stated to Kankuro. He nodded as they both walked off to who knew where.


Twigamesluv11's Author's Note

GAHHHHH. Don't be mad at me!! Dx I am well aware that it's very short... But it's because we ended up moving something to another chapter so I had to put this in here! Please don't be mad! So... Yeah. Bye... ^^'

Oh and sorry for any spelling mistakes, I was uploading this in sorta a rush! ^^'

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