Demons Aren't Always Bad [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 3

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~Chapter 3~

[Karasu’s POV]

Haha Island is annoying as hell. I thought as we walked down a road, festival activities and booths lining it. And I hate cheap festivals. Well, when Tejun won’t let me buy food, anyway.

“I hate this place.” I muttered, crossing my arms while Mizu was jumping up and down as we walked and Hato was busy staring at all the booths with stars in her eyes. Annoying….

Hato sent me a glare. “You hate everything, Ms. Emo!”

I rolled my eyes. “Hn.”

I stopped at a booth and quickly bought some fried squid on a stick before Tejun could see me. He sent me a glare while I ate my squid happily. “Just be lucky I haven’t ditched you idiots yet. Or this place, for that matter.”

Tejun sighed while the other two sweat-dropped.

“Why would you ditch this place?! It’s amazing!” Hato shouted and I scoffed.

“It’s so flat.” The Demon Country had a mountainous terrain. The fairly new Village we had came from, Chigakure, was actually interwoven into the gigantic crags and was well hidden. The Village Hidden in the Blood had only been created sixteen years ago and we had finally come to terms for an agreement with Konoha, allowing us to take place in the Chunin Exams.

“I know. My feet are so unaccustomed.” Mizu muttered. Even the houses in the Blood were made in the crags. Hato’s and my old house was one of the only few that was at the bottom of the chasm the crag created so it was all flat but it wasn’t the case with all the apartments. As seen in certain spaces with Hato’s and my apartment. My room was a foot above Hato’s that was right next door and the rest of the house was another foot down from Hato’s room. All of the apartments and houses had several places where the floor was higher in some places than others. It was just the way it was made.

“Let’s hurry up. We’ve got a day on the boat until we get to the next set of islands.” I grumbled, finishing the squid and just chewed on the wooden stick instead.

Tejun and the other two nodded before we headed to the sea port. The island was a nesting ground of the ports, really. They were every freaking where. We were stopped, however, when a man that looked drunk with a sword on his back appeared.

“Where do you think you’re going you Demon bastards?!” He slurred, stumbling a bit and I narrowed my eyes. Everyone thought badly of us just because of our name. Demon Country. Chigakure. Sure, I’m rude and a little bloodthirsty, but I wasn’t a complete bitch.

“Nowhere that concerns you.” I spat, earning a warning look from Tejun and a one of anger from the drunken man.

“What was that, you brat?!” He yelled. Tejun sighed as the man rushed towards us and flicked his hand in a manner that ordered us to disappear. I held up my hands in the sign of the tiger before disappearing to the outskirts of the town we were currently in. Tejun, Hato and Mizu appeared next and we continued walking to the sea port that was in the distance.

“It’s so pretty!” Hato exclaimed, looking at the sunset. We had already went through the next set of islands and was heading towards the Wave Country, a small island country that was slowly becoming prosperous now that they had gotten rid of a man who had taken control of the shipping ports, thus controlling the whole island. But then they built a bridge, killed him and were slowly going back to what it was before the man.

Or that’s what Tejun informed us of, anyway.

This was all recent happenings though.

“Tejun-sensei!” Mizu and Hato whined. They were tired since we had been walking towards The Great Naruto Bridge on the other side of the island and have yet to take a break. We were almost there now though so I don’t know why they were being so difficult.

“Shut up!” Tejun snapped after twenty minutes of both him and me ignoring them.

“But we’re tired!” They groaned, dragging out ‘tired’.

“Get over it. You’re almost Chunin and you can’t walk across a small island nation?!”

“But it’s so long!” Mizu whined and I rolled my eyes. Stupid Blueberry. Go get squashed.

“Would you three keep quiet? We’re from Chigakure. We’re not exactly on good terms with any other ninja except the Leaf and sorta the Sand.” Tejun said quietly and Hato frowned, looking around.

She was the best out of chakra sensing than any of us.

“There are three ninja. Seem like rouge.” She suddenly whispered and we all hid. A few moments later some Rain ninja came out with slashes through their headbands, insinuating they were rouges. Huh. So Hato was right, the hag.

“We know you’re there! You tripped a wire of ours!” One called loudly and I scowled, sending a glare to Mizu who was hiding in the tree across from mine. He shrugged, having a sheepish expression on his face.

Tejun caught my attention from the branch above his and I frowned, raising an eyebrow. He moved his hands together to make it look like a flapping bird and then clapped them silently. I nodded, getting his meaning.

I made the hand signs Rat-Horse-Snake-Dog-Dragon before three huge shadows shaped like birds formed behind all three of the rouges and what would be their wings slapped together, blood spraying as the three rouges were squished and killed instantly.

“Shadow Bird: Dark Void.” I muttered with a sadistic smirk as my jutsu disappeared and the three dead bodies sunk into the ground with the shadows.

“You’re so sadistic.” Hato muttered and I snorted.

“Shut up, hag.”

“Stop calling me that!”

“No thank you.” I replied simply as we all jumped down to continue on our path to the bridge.


Authors Note

Mew here. Sorry for all the short chapters I’m dishing out D: as soon as we get to Konoha I’ll have waaaay longer chapters, trust me. And sorry this took so long. I was about finished but I got my computer taken away for a few days and just got it back xP

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Peace!


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