I've been tagged again

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I was tagged by Yoonmin321

Thank you very much! xD

I hope you won't mind that it's in English. I was thinking about translating this, but I don't really feel like it now:D 

Když něčemu nebudete rozumět, prostě mi klidně napište,  klidně mě zjebejte  a já to klidně přeložím:D 

1. Crush?

Mhmm, well, I had so many crushes. I mean... I liked a lots of boys I knew. Thanks to God, I don't really feel anything when I see them now. Well, I feel a bit of pain in my heart, but I don't really pay any attention to it. When I was in primary school, I had two crushes:D AND THANKS TO GOD IT'S ALL BEHIND ME, BECAUSE WAS I BLIND? THEY'RE SO UGLY IDK WHAT WAS WRONG LOL.

But my actual crush is Kim Taehyung and Andrew, cuz he is so cuteee (even though Im pretty sure he's just a fuckboy).  And of course, I have crush on all of you. Because if love is when your heart beats so fast and you can barely breathe, then I'm inlove with my "fans" (as I like to call you:D). 

2. Middle name?

I don't have any xD

3. Height?

My doctor says, I'm 171 cm. But I'm sure I was taller:D Maybe I was looking in wrong angle :D 

4. Shoe size?


5. Eye color?

Blue, together with a bit of green. But mostly blue.

6. Last time you cried?

Today, at like 2 a.m. when I was writing a fanfiction for my boy friend and it was kinda sad, lol xD

7. Biggest fear?

I'm literally scaredy chicken:D But the biggest... maybe rejection? Or losing. Yeah, I think it's losing. 

But I'm like J-hope...:D Maybe worse xD

8. Last song you listened to?

Blackpink - Whistle 

9. Last person you texted?

Some 30 years old korean man who keeps saying  "I love you" for like two years now. I hate him btw. I was pretty rude this time, omg.

10. Favourite app?

Hmm, maybe Snapchat, messenger? I don't really know:D 

Thank you very much for reading! Also if anyone wants to do this tag, just do it and tag me, too! I would love to read your answers!:D <3

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