Chapter One

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Albus got off the Hogwarts express with his best friend Scorpius Malfoy. They were laughing and shoving the rest of their food from the train in their mouths.

            "M' surprised the trolley witch stopped for us." Albus mumbled with a mouth full of chocolate frogs.  Scorpius swallowed his last bit of a cockroach cluster. Albus never understood why he would eat something so dreadful.

            "Maybe she's seen we matured." Scorpius smirked. He had grown three inches over the summer and his voice dropped a bit. Unlike Albus, he had bulked a bit causing a healthy weight gain. It was a bit intimidating to Albus when he first saw Scorpius. He was the only other scrawny kid in their year, now Albus was the only one.  Albus bit his lip and shook his head. He been trying to conceal his feelings for the blonde since their third year and now he had gone off looking hotter than ever. "You alright Albus?" He heard the blonde. The raven haired fellow climbed into the carriage and nodded.

            "Yeah just peachy." He spoke. He took a deep breath and gained some of his father's courage. "Do you think we can talk after the feast tonight? Preferably alone?"

            "Yeah of course." Scorpius agreed with no question and smiled. Albus let out a sigh of relief and grinned at his best friend.  "Are you excited to be back? Because for once I am." He told Albus.

            "Why is that? We hate school." Albus pointed out and Scorpius rolled his eyes grinning.

            "It's a surprise." He told Albus. Albus just furrowed his brow and nodded.

            "Well I guess I'm happy to be back with you." Albus told the blonde. His cheeks warmed up at the slight admission so he coughed a bit. "I mean like school." He clarified. But Scorpius wasn't paying that much attention anyway.

            "Yeah it's gonna be a great year." He hoped. The carriage stopped and they hopped out. The pair made their way passed the groups of people and Rose who tried stopping them in the chaos but Albus paid no mind to it. It wasn't that they hadn't made up, Albus was closer with all of his family than he was before, he just didn't feel like dealing with it at that moment.

            As they waked into Great Hall, Scorpius grabbed Albus' arm to pull him through the crowd. Albus blushed at the contact and allowed himself to be hauled passed everyone. Finally they were seated for the feast, as everyone was getting settled, and waited for the first years.

            "So Albus, I didn't ask back there but what do you wanna talk about?" Scorpius asked and Albus froze. He couldn't admit his feelings there, it wasnt the appropriate time. What was he to tell Scorpius? He chewed on his and when he didn't say anything, Scorpius again, "Albus?"  Albus looked at his friend's concerned silver eyes and sighed.

            "Nothing too important, just gotta talk to you about something I don't want to do here." Albus assured finally but Scorpius frowned.

            "Is everything okay?"

            "Yeah." However Scorpius was not convinced. Albus was off on the train, sure he was the same one he's been best friends with but something was clearly bothering him. So Scorpius did something he thought was best. He pulled into a hug not expecting the boy to tense.

"Whatever we need to talk about, I'm here for you, okay?" Scorpius promised and Albus swallowed hard.

"Thank you Scorp." Albus then relaxed and hugged Scorpius back. The first years started to pile in so they let go of each other and fell into a nice silence.

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